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Chapter 2

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30130402 - Personal Log - Captain Aliyn Flynn

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30130402 - Personal Log - Captain Aliyn Flynn

When the mysterious man is absent, Plenare haunts my dreams. The man seems to keep the nightmares at bay when he is present. Every night since we left Earth, my thoughts unwillingly dwell on Plenare. I close my eyes and I see her rotating, her angry churning storms moving about her surface. She is a silent and jealous guardian patrolling the outskirts of the Reso system, flinging intruders back out into the darkness of space.

Few have seen her like us. Her gravitational pull destroyed most ships, their systems shut down by the magnetic force she exudes. It was a stroke of luck we got out alive, and the more I think about it, the more concerned I am about returning.

I received an unsettling message the morning we left Earth. It was from a man by the name of Jake Donton. He claims to have witnessed Plenare firsthand and escaped alive. His message was vague and unclear in its writing, and my first instinct was to call him crazy and delete it. He urged us not to return to Plenare, insisting that things we can never understand await us there. He left only the following sentence in closing:

"Surviving Plenare's gaze is a fate worse than death. She stays with you."

Obviously, the words of a madman, right? Yet, I still haven't deleted his message. It is a disconcerting reminder of the risks and repercussions of this mission. I should delete it. It's likely the cause of my troubled dreams.

Our destination is Orion, which contains M42—more affectionately known as Orion's Nebula. The Reso system lies just on the outskirts of M42, skirting the dangerous activity within the nebula itself. Our first stop is a system in the safest region of Orion, orbiting the star Mintaka. There is a planet there by the name of Ohatior, which is famous for the city of Alendor, known widely through galactic civilization as The Bastion of Knowledge. We hope to find answers about the book there. It seems the most logical place to look, considering its proximity to the Reso system.

The crew has settled in. We even have a few new members to compensate for the increased size of the ship. They all seem laid back, which is something I hope for in a good crew. They are getting along well enough; well, except for Lillian. She enjoys throwing a wrench into things and often asks the questions everyone is thinking about but is too scared to ask. I'm sure the new members will get used to her. She is invaluable to this crew and as loyal as they come.

We are to stop at a space station orbiting the moon Europa tomorrow morning and pick up the last part for the Ardent's air exchange system. You can't go gallivanting around space without a functioning airflow-system.

End of log.


The Ardent arrived on the SS Lunar early the next morning, giving Aliyn and the crew a day to pass while docked within the giant smooth white arms of the station. It was a medium-sized station that originally conducted research into how compatible the moon Europa was to human life. Once humanity had travelled beyond the solar system, they deemed the study of Europa fruitless and therefore abandoned it as humanity ventured into the deeper recesses of the universe.

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