The Game Of Life - Part Five

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         It's 5:03pm and I'm watching a fight.

Tyler just sits there, oblivious to it all. Stella's begging for them to stop, her eyebrows furrowed. And behind it all, Abigail's feet drum on.

"Matthew, please stop," Halley says quietly. Her eyes are red and they keep flickering towards to door. Towards me. I wave. She doesn't blink.

Matthew's eyes are hard. Angry. It made me want to go up to him and hug him. Matthew's yelling. He's saying words I've never heard him say before. He's choking on his words, each one a bullet. And he's saying it to his best friend.



"Yes Alexis?"

"If we were to take over the world, what music?"

A pause.

"'Let It Be' by the Beetles, Alexis. Why?"

"Because every apocalypse needs a good soundtrack after all."

Another pause.

"You know Matthew, I would've thought you'd choose 'You Are My Sunshine'."

A sigh.

"But I suppose 'Let It Be' is a good choice. Matthew?"


"Do you want to take over the world tomorrow?"



"Who is helping us."

"Halley wants to help."

"No. No way."

"What about Louis?"

"Yeah that's good."



"Why Louis?"

"Because he thinks of everything. If we're going to take over the world tomorrow, I wouldn't choose anyone else."

"Even me?"

"Apart from you."

A silence.


Another sigh. "Yes, Alexis?"

"Why do you want to take over the world with me?"

"Because I would do anything for you, Alexis."



"Really really?"

"Yes. Really really."

"Even take over the world?"


"Thanks Matthew."

A shuffle.

"Hey Matthew?"


"Can you sing the sunshine song again?"



A smile, "Okay."


"You are my sunshine..."


I watch the scene in front of me, eyes wide. "No," I whisper, so quietly it might've been wind, "no Matthew, don't do it."

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