Chapter 6:Bringing Down the Player

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  • Dedicated to Hana-Sophia Blauer

Here's chapter 6!

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On the side is a picture of Avery!

Chapter 6:Bringing Down The Player

I hook my arm with Rachel's as we walk out of the classroom to our lockers. I try to distract Rachel since she isn't exactly in a good mood. I crack some jokes, but she only gives a small smile or an obvious fake laugh. Her eyes are clouded over and I'm convinced that she isn't listening. I don't take it personally. She is obviously not over him and his words are still haunting her.

As we near our lockers, I spot Avery leaning against Rachel's locker. Curiosity spikes in me, wondering why she's waiting.

"Hey Avery, you waiting for us?" I ask, stopping in front of my locker. I wasn't expecting her to be here, but I don't mind at all.

"Yeah, well more for you since we have physics together," Avery smiles.

"Ah right! Physics, I hate that subject. Too boring."

Avery shrugs while letting out a small chuckle. " It's not terrible, but I guess it could be better."

"I guess, but I still hate it," I smile.

"Well, you continue your hating," Avery giggles shyly.

 "Will do."

"I'll catch you guys later. Enjoy physics." Rachel murmurs as she walks away. I see Avery shoot a worried glance at her friend's retreating back.

"I guess we better get going too," I suggest, glancing down at my phone. It's not that we desperately need to get going. It's more of a 'I don't know what else to say' suggestion.

"Mhmm, we have a relatively long walk for a school."

The walk is silent, but I don't find it tense or awkward. Avery seems to be a quiet person and I enjoy walking in silence. Well I guess it wasn't exactly silent seeing that we were in a school.

We arrive at the Physics lab a couple minutes before the bell rings. We both sit beside each other at the same lab counter in I'd say the middle of the classroom. The lab is clean and the walls a bare, cold white. This classroom has a cold feel to it and it instantly makes me uncomfortable. I automatically think back to my old school and how our physics teacher had the rooms painted a bright blue, since she said that it made the room less depressing.

"You ready?" Avery asks, with a wisp of a smile on her face.

"Ready? For what?" I ask tentatively, not exactly sure if I want to hear the answer.

"Oh right, you wouldn't know. Well, every Tuesday near the end of the class the teacher, Mrs. Walter, does a little quiz thing. She asks every student a random physic question. It's a tad stressful since Mrs. Walter is... not exactly the nicest teacher, but I'm sure you'll do fine."

I feel my heartbeat pick up and my stomach start twirling with nerves. I despise teachers like that. Like why? Why do you feel the need to torture your students like this? I'm not the best at physics and I can never remember stuff, so I know I'll completely screw up.

'Just breathe. You can do it,' I think to myself. It doesn't help.

"Seriously? No, no, this sucks! I suck at Physics! Oh god, I'm so dead," I ramble nervously, the panick increasing with every word I spew.

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