Chapter 11-That's what friends are for

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Hello lovelies!:) How are you?

It’s pretty much a filler, so sorry for that.

Chapter 11

"I'm just tired of having to deal with him. He's a total jackass," I say tiredly, rubbing my eyes.

I am currently sitting on the edge of my bed, talking to my three best friends. I bet I am boring them to death with my story of the past two days, but I need to get it out. Besides they have always been good listeners and we’ve all been in this kind of situation. A situation where you just need to talk and need someone to listen to you ramble. 

"I know hun. I’m sorry you have to go through this. You don’t deserve it!" Alison softly says.

"What I don't understand is how someone could be that rude. If someone has...died you don't say anything rude about it, even if you hate that persons guts! Such a pathetic ass!" Amber exclaims angrily.

"Thanks guys, I just needed to get that out. It was really bugging me," I sigh.

"It's fine hun. I wish we had the time to come out there and kick is little ass!" Alison snarls. "He fully deserves it."

"Agreed," Michelle adds.

"Yeah but there isn't much we can do. Some of my new friends and I started planning a new tactic, but we aren't starting it until around next week," I say.

"I think you guys should just make someone else do it," Amber says.

"Yeah same, but we can't really. He has his eyes on me and none of my friends could do it because he isn't gay, some have boyfriends or soon to be boyfriends and the rest already have a history with Jake. So, I'm the only ideal one," I explain, twirling hair around my fingers.

"That really sucks," Amber says sympathetically. Tell me about it.

"Yeah, it does..." I sigh. "But I'll get through it. It's for a good cause."

"So true," Michelle giggles. I smile, her laugh is contagious.

"What's the new plan?" Ali asks. I take a deep breath and then recount the plan we had come up with in Starbucks the past night. 

"So, you have to make him fall in love with you and then break his heart? Sounds so cliché!" Amber laughs and I do to. It is so cliché, but that makes it a bit more fun.

"It is, but it'll work...hopefully."

"Hopefully," They echo.

*              *               *           *                  *                        *                        *                       *

“You know Courtney you don’t have to do this, you know?” Rachel says to me, giving me a comforting glance. 

It’s Friday morning, and I am so excited that the weekend is almost here. Not only do I have to catch up on homework that I’ve been putting off for the Jake business, but I’m pretty exhausted from this week.

“Yeah I know I don’t have to play Jake, but I want to. He deserves it,” I say, giving Rachel a small smile.

“Thanks Courtney. I really appreciate this. I honestly can’t express how much this means to me.”

I just give her a genuine smile. I like Rachel and I’m truly happy I can do something for her, to thank her for making my transition to this new school ten times easier. 

“Hey Courtney. I know you’re probably sick of talking about Jake, but is it okay if I ask a small question?” Rachel asks timidly.

I suppress a groan. She is definitely right. I am more than sick of talking about Jake, however if she has a question, I might as well hear it. “Sure. What is it?”

“I’m just wondering what your plan of action is. I mean, you can’t just go up to him, pretending you like him, because that would be just plain weird.”

I smile. I had actually been thinking about this last night. “I was thinking that I’d just leave him be today and then next week, maybe Wednesday, I could confront him in a civil manner and ask him why he did what he did yesterday. Then I could slowly get closer and closer to him, until BANG! He’s in our trap.”

Rachel laughs. “Sounds like a plan.”

I nod my head. It did sound like a solid plan to me. It wouldn’t raise too many red flags and it would give me time to cool down from yesterday. I was still angry and am planning to avoid Jake today, so I don’t snap at him. 

We quickly make our way to school. The conversation doesn’t turn to Jake and I’m thankful for that. As we walk through the parking lot, Rachel spots the girls standing off to the side of the entrance. Rachel runs over to them and I quickly follow. 

“Hey girls!” I smile at Megan, Avery and Chris. They all give me their forms of welcome.

“How are you doing today?” Megan asks, worry covering her face. The other girls nod, curious.

“Better! I really appreciated your support yesterday. It meant a lot,” I say, giving them a grateful smile. The rest of yesterday hadn’t been too pretty. I didn’t talk much and floated about as if I were a ghost. Everyone had tried to be supportive, but it’s hard, especially since I’ve only known them for a week.

They all give me relieved smiles. The conversation soon picks up. Chris is debating whether we should show up to a party on Saturday. Avery is voting for no and Megan is voting for yes. Rachel can’t seem to make up her mind. I keep my mouth shut. I don’t want to ruin these new friendships by being overbearing and shoving my opinion everywhere. 

I’m only half listening when, out of the corner of my eye, someone catches my eye. 

“Oh my god,” I breathe out. 

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