⭐Deserve Better⭐

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A/N: I see a lot of people were surprised about Mr. Jacobs lmaooo. Unfortunately that's real life though. There's so many undercover inappropriate student/teacher relationship's going on everywhere... It happened at my own school! 😭 My 10th grade World History teacher got fired when I was a senior for telling a girl to suck his dang-a-lang so she could pass his class. And he had been messing around with so many student's before then. And he was one of my favorite teachers bruh! I loved that man cause he was cool as shit. And that's not the first time something like that has happened at my school. So yeah, sorry to taint the image of one of your favorite characters in the book! 💔

"Let me ask you first, what did you think when you saw me? Was I something that you wanted, or only just another cure for a lonely?"- Deserve Better by Kehlani


AJ: I'm down the street.
Received at 4:45 PM

My heart thumped rapidly in my chest once I received Anthony's text letting me know he was close by. The reason why I ended up unblocking his number, and texting him is because I needed closure. For the past few days I had been thinking about the past three month's of my dealings with Anthony, and I just needed to know why?

Why did he use me? Why didn't he care? Why did he lie? Why did he step all over my feeling's as if they didn't matter? What were his intentions from the very beginning?

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