Chapter 1- Prison Escape

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"He's escaped out of Azkaban." Remus Lupin said, pacing back and forth in a cramped bedroom. He was in an orphanage, the orphanage that his unfortunate Goddaughter grew up in.

He looked down at the wide eyed girl who was sitting on her plain, twin sized bed. The girl resembled his once friend very much except for her hair. She had her mother's platinum blonde hair but with roots blacker than night. The girls name was Vindemiatrix Aurora Black but she much preferred being called V.

The generally outspoken girl was left speechless. She blinked a couple times but still the information was very hard to process.

"You mean..."

"You know exactly who I'm talking about, V." Remus said quite bluntly.

He continued pacing causing the floor boards to creek, something which brought discomfort to her. She understood why he was so stressed, but he definitely wasn't doing much to comfort her.

Remus suddenly stopped pacing about and let out a loud groan while the poor girl sat in silence. Trying to think of a way to fill the silence, V thought of the 5 w's, something she had learnt from her old muggle primary school.

"When?" She suddenly blurted out.

Remus whipped his head around and starred at the girl with a terrorized expression. His face suddenly softened when he realized that she was the priority and that he went to the muggle orphanage for a reason other than unleashing his panic on his unfortunate god child.

"Last night." He said in a low, quiet voice. "I came here as soon as I found out."

"Does anyone know how?" She asked.

"Not a clue, and that's all I know; that he broke out of Azkaban last night and that the ministry are doing everything in their power to find him." Remus said causing another empty void of silence to fill the room.

Remus then let out a weary sigh and kneeled down in front of V so that their eyes were level. He placed a hand on her knee which was shaking an uncontrollable amount.

"You don't have to worry," He began soothingly, "The ministry will surely catch him and even if  he does by a very small chance, stay out much longer, I'm taking a job at Hogwarts this year so I'll be right there if you need me."

"Why can't I stay at your house?" She asked starting to feel fright creep up on her. Sirius Black had betrayed her mother, betrayed and killed his best friends and now, he had escaped a life sentence in the most high security prison in the world. This was the reality for V and the reality wasn't too pleasant.

"You know why. Besides, if he goes looking for you he will go straight to my place as I am your Godfather."

"Ok." She said quietly then looked into his worn out eyes which had done more than their fair share of full moons. Though he had just been pacing back in forth in her small room, letting out quite a bit of stress, he now had certainty in his eyes, something that the girl needed from her father figure.


"But's are for sitting on." He said causing a very small smile to tug on the V's lips, but it was still something. Puns had always been her weakness.

Remus then looked down at his watch realizing that he was going to be late for his meeting with Dumbledore.

"I really need to get going now." He said apologetically causing a frown to set over the girl's face.

"You just got here, though." She said quietly.

"I know but its best I don't spend any time with you anyway. Just for your own safety. But don't worry, at Hogwarts we can do all the catching up in the world." He said, walking towards the door.

She looked down at her worn out boots while he left without a proper good bye. Only when the door had clicked shut, did she look up to find herself all alone, alike every other day of the summer holiday.

The reality soon sunk in and she felt the heavy weight of it sink in. As it was, people gave her threatening looks and warned their children about her so she could only imagine the amount of hate that she would get for the simple task of existing. Then she had to consider the amount of danger she was in if her father went looking for her.

It wasn't easy carrying her last name as not many people wanted to associate themselves with her. When she had been left orphaned, no one wanted anything to do with her. The only person there was her Godfather who said that he only did it for her mother. Unfortunately he realized that he really couldn't raise her properly with his 'furry problem.'

So V had been left in an orphanage, with no one but a Godfather who visited her only a few times a year. At least she had Hogwarts, the closest place to home she'd ever had.

Hi :) Thank you for reading my story, and feel free to give it some constructed criticism, it would be much appreciated. The rest of the chapters will be longer, this is just an introduction to the character and her situation.

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