Chapter 39- Midnight Drive #2

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V got up early after a bad night of sleep. However it wasn't the house which was creating a restless atmosphere, but rather the fact that she had to top and tail her bed with Hermione and Ginny. V and Sirius weren't expecting as many people as there was so they never got to clear up enough rooms for everyone. But that seemed to be the job for today.

The sun was only just beginning to rise but as much as she tried, she couldn't go back to sleep. So she got changed and went downstairs to the kitchen where she made herself some coffee. As she sat at the table quietly sipping on a cup of coffee, she heard a pair of feet slowly making their way down the stairs, one creaky step at a time. She really wasn't in the mood to be bothered but thankfully, it only turned out to be George.

"Good morning, you look tired." George commented sitting next to her.

"Yea, I am." She replied rubbing her eyes. George then let out a small yawn. "You're tired too, I guess this house isn't a pleasant one to rest in." V said pushing her cup of coffee towards George to share.

He took a sip before passing it back. "Thanks Mia."

"I'll make another one." She stated, standing up but George grabbed her hand.

"I'll share with you," He said before tugging her onto him. He caressed her face while she did the same to him.

V glanced shyly into his eyes before, letting her stare slip down to his lips. He noticed and slowly at the same time they started to lean closer towards each other, right to the point where their noses brushed gently together.

"What are you two doing?" Sirius then suddenly said, appearing randomly at the doorway.

V jumped up, being taken completely by surprise, feeling as though she had just suffered from a heart attack. "REALLY DAD?" V yelled, feeling some heat rise to her cheeks. She looked over at him as he stood leaning against the door frame with an amused smile on his face.

"What? I didn't do anything, I just walked into my kitchen, to get a coffee, to find my daughter-"

"WE KNOW WHAT YOU SAW, LETS NOT RELIVE THAT." V bellowed at him before he could finish.

Sirius laughed, "If it makes you feel better, Marlene's mother, your grandmother, walked in on me and your mother mak-"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" V yelled before running out of the room and then back upstairs.

Later that morning when everyone had gotten up, everyone came down to the kitchen for breakfast. Mrs Weasley seemed to have taken charge of cooking which didn't bother V too much as this gave V the opportunity to have a rest. However V remained scarred from her awkward encounter with her father from earlier that morning and did everything in her power to stay clear of his path. They sat at opposite ends of the dining table, with Sirius sitting next to Mrs Weasley and the eldest Weasley child, Bill and V sitting next to Mr Weasley and the twins. V struggled to look at George but that wasn't anywhere near as awkward as looking at her father.

"So according to your father, you have a car." Mr Weasley began.

"Er yes, it's a bit beaten up but it works fine." V replied.

"Absolutely fascinating! We used to have a car too but it ran into trouble," Mr Weasley commented.

"Trouble in the form of Harry and Ron." Fred muttered but Mr Weasley ignored him and carried on talking.

"So tell me, have you ever tried using magic on it?" He proceeded to ask, a little more quietly as if he didn't want someone in the room to hear him, and V had her suspicions for who that someone may be.

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