Chapter 55- Closing a Chapter

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It was V's very last day at school and she had many mixed feelings about it. A part of her felt a certain sadness about it, as she was to leaving many friends and many cherished memories behind. But another part of her felt relieved, knowing that she was leaving a prison of hate that came from the ignorance of all her school peers who made an effort to make her feel unwelcome. She was also very excited; excited to start her apprenticeship and put good back into the world, but most of all she was frightened. For the future had never seen more uncertain to her, with the threat of the dark side looming around every corner she turned.

V walked down to the greenhouse for a final time. All her trunks were packed up in her room and she was no longer wearing her school uniform. She was finally graduating. It was weird graduating almost a month before all her peers, but she felt ready enough to join the work force. 

She muttered to herself, thinking of things she was grateful for. In times like these, it was especially important to her to remind herself of the things she was grateful for. "I'm grateful for George." She started. "I'm grateful for his silly jokes and puns and the way he makes me smile through the dullest of days. I'm grateful for all my friends, whether they be Slytherin or Hufflepuff, I'm grateful for the way they keep me company no matter what rumours go round about me." V approached the greenhouses and murmured one last thing. "And I'm grateful for Pamona." 

V entered the greenhouse, with the sun spilling into it and painting the plants with the most vibrant greens. 

"V!" Professor Sprout exclaimed as soon as she saw her. "It isn't your last day already, is it?" She asked. 

"Unfortunately, yes." V replied. Professor Sprout pulled her into a big hug, embracing V like her own daughter.

"Are you nervous?" She asked.

"A little. But I think I'll be fine." 

"It's only natural to be nervous," Professor Sprout began, "But there isn't a doubt in my mind that you will be one of the greatest Healers the wizarding world has ever seen. You've got so much potential, girl, and if you only try, I just know you will succeed." 

V smiled one of the warmest smiles she had done in a long time. "I don't think I could've done the past seven years without you, thank you so much for always being here for me." V said, almost tearing up.

"Now don't be silly, I will always be here for you, if you need anything, no matter how old you are and how successful you may become, I hope I stay the first person on your call list, because it is such a privilege that is to be for you." Professor Sprout said, before pulling her in for the last hug that they would have in a long time.

V spent the rest of her day going round and saying goodbye to everyone before she had to leave for the train at around midday. V wondered what it would be like riding the Hogwarts express for her last time alone. 

Looking round for everyone, she couldn't find George anywhere, who she especially wanted to say goodbye to, seeing that she wouldn't see him for nearly a month. She couldn't find Fred either and it wasn't like she could ask Harry, Ron or Hermione as they were sitting their OWL's. V was starting to give up on finding them after looking just about every place they could possibly be. 

All her Slytherin friends instead escorted her to the front gate but before they could even leave the building, lots of very loud popping sounds came from the Great Hall, almost like gun shots, V had thought. Many other students who were just passing by stopped and stared curiously at the doors to the Great Hall and all wondered whether or not they should open the doors and see what all the commotion was.

But before anyone could do anything, the doors swung open and both Fred and George came flying out of the Great Hall on their confiscated broomsticks with an array of fireworks and sparklers leaving a trail behind them. V was in too much shock to even comprehend what was going on. What on earth are they doing she thought to herself. 

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