Chapter 24- Dancing Lessons with Snape

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A few days after the first task, it was December the first. It was now very cold and it became a must to wear a big coat and scarfs when you were out on the ground. V seemed to suffer the most from this being so easily effected by the cold but didn't find herself going outside at all with her mountains of homework and no quidditch practice.

V however, was a bit preoccupied this particular Friday afternoon anyway as all Slytherins, fourth year and above were to meet in the great hall according to a notice posted by Professor Snape.

V trudged her way with her friends to the great hall, wishing that she was reading in the library instead but decided not to upset Snape further.

When they entered the hall, they found that the usual four grand tables were gone and instead, everyone was sitting on benches at the side of the room. Lucian, Adrian, Hestia, Flora and V went to sit with them, noticing that the Durmstrang students also sat amongst the Slytherins.

They didn't have to wait for Snape that long either as only a minute later he came sweeping into the great hall with Karkaroff at his side. He eyed the crowd carefully and began.

"Now, Professor Dumbledore and the ministry insist on taking a traditional stance on the Triwizard Tournament which includes a special-" He began, dragging out his words, "-event called the yule ball."

All around V noticed all the girls nudging each other and guys smirking (some groaning) at Professor Snape's words.

"As you may know, a ball usually involves dancing, wearing your best dress robes and optionally, bringing a date which I suggest you do as you will probably look like a bit of a loner if you don't." He said and the rest of the hall snickered. "The ball is for fourth years and above though you are welcomed to invite a younger student if you wish. The yule ball is Christmas themed and will be held on the evening of the 25th so if you would like to attend the ball you will have to stay at Hogwarts over the Christmas period. Do I have any questions?"

The whole hall went silent and one over sized boy who was sitting next to Draco rose his hand.

"Yes, Crabbe?"

"Will there be food at the yule ball?" He asked causing a few to laugh.

"There will be complementary snacks and plenty of beverages." Professor Snape replied and it seemed that that was the only quarry.

"Now, to explain why I have gathered you lot and the Durmstrang students here today. Professor Dumbledore has requested for each head of house to have dancing lessons and my fellow teacher, Professor Karkaroff has decided that his student's best learn too."

Half the hall let out moans at the news of dancing lessons while the other half looked hopeful.

"Personally, I haven't done much practice with the art," He said taking a long pause, "of dancing so you will have to be cooperative. So to start off, with I ask of you all to find a partner of the opposite gender." Snape ordered and everyone spent a long second sitting still and starring at Snape as if he asked them to swallow a sword.

A few couples then banded together and just as Adrian was about to turn towards V, a tall familiar Durmstrang student had already made his way round to her and offered her his hand.

"Vould you like to be my partner?" Stefan asked and Adrian quickly looked over to Flora.

"Sure," V replied and took his hand, making them one of the first partners on the floor.

V then noticed Adrian walking on with Flora and very awkwardly and Hestia walking with Lucian who looked as though someone had winded him.

Soon more and more people got partners and the few resentful students in the end including Viktor got partnered by Snape.

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