Tagged.... Sorry

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Sorry that this technically isn't an update...

Anywho, I was tagged by this awesome hooman (who has impeccable taste in music by the way) WhatEvenMyLife

So here we go! Learn some shtuffs about me!

Favorite Food: Candy? I literally always have either gummy worms, gummy bears, or Skittles on me so...

Favorite Color: I'm not really big on pastels or neutrals besides black, so probably any of the dark colors. Purple, blue, black, blood red, dark green on occasion.

Favorite Song: *Spits out Mt. Dew* A FAVORITE SONG?!?!? I guess right now I'm curled up listening to Cancer by My Chemical Romance.... Don't judge me (insert TØP meme here).

Favorite Band: ..... If only you guys could see my door. My absolute favorite is Fall Out Boy. That's what got me started on my voyage down the river of punk emo. It's been a great trip guys and I hope it'll never end.

Favorite Anime: .........


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Favorite TV Show: So many of you know I fangirl over Supernatural really too much *coughs* Destiel *coughs* Sabriel. But I absolutely adore this show called Castle, which just got cancelled while about to make their ninth season because of a fight between the two main people. I also am so hyped up for Bull, which currently has only a few episodes out, and the new season of Shadowhunters, because I am Malec trash (even though the books are amazing and I love them to death... Matt and Harry, guys).

Favorite Animal: *Glances at five cats* Definitely not cats

Favorite School Equipment: Meh headphones. I wear them every single day and I use them in class, so it technically counts. Totally that and not because I have literally one pencil to go through the day.

What I'm Being For Halloween: In all honesty, I've been so busy working the spook alley that I haven't in thought about it. I just tend to make Halloween an all month kinda deal. So I have no clue whatsoever.

Favorite Season: Of what? 😉 Nah, but probably Fall (Out Boy) so I can make that pun. Plus... HALLOWEEN!!!!!! I don't like the cold, but it gives me more of an excuse to wear my leather.

My Name: You guys aren't getting my real name. I absolutely hate it, so you guys can just call me by R or Adrenaline Revolution as my Killjoy name.



All of these people also have freaking epic stories that y'all should check out. Seriously, I fangirl over their updates.

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