#Chapter 31: I love you, Blake

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#Chapter 31 (Blake's Pov)

Jeremy and I were still seated and frozen on the couch. King and Big daddy just barged into the house without hesitation. King went straight to Jeremy, pulling him up by the collar.


"What are you talking about? She's not with me!" Jeremy replied with fear, evidently on his face.

I scoffed causing Big daddy to pull me by my collar. Alright these two really love pulling people by the collar huh. He was surprisingly strong for his age. His eyes were rimmed red and I could see the veins on his forehead as he yelled at me.


I pulled out of his hold and yelled back that I have no idea where the bitch was. Obviously, he didn't like the words I spat out, thus came the unexpected punch to my right jaw. I held my face, my blood boiling. What the hell!

"Look! You both came to my house, scratched that, you both came in BARGING into my house and demanded us where's that Jennifer is? WE don't even have any contact with her anymore! And the last time I know, she was with king. Now with you too big daddy? Such a slut isn't she? With two guys..." I muttered bitterly.

My statement obviously didn't help the situation but, only infuriated both of them even more.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL MY DAUGHTER A SLUT!" He bellowed before he came lunging at me with obvious 'killing' intention.

"SHE IS A SL-" I stopped yelling after his words ran through my brain.

Daughter? Jennifer is his daughter? If Jennifer is his daughter, that will make King, Jennifer's brother!

I stared at King and went down on the couch at once, my legs betraying me. I looked at Jeremy and saw him looking at me with confusion.

"I thought King was with her as in her boyfriend!" I accused King, forgetting my place.

"Are you crazy?! She's my sister! I don't do incest!" He yelled at me.

"Shit sorry man! I didn't know that!" Jeremy exclaimed glancing at both King and I.

I put my head in between my hands as I digested the words. If Jennifer is not with them or us, then where the hell is she?

"Jennifer darling!" Big Daddy exclaimed.

I looked up at him before dashing to his side. Where is she? Is she safe?


(Jennifer's pov)

I groaned and tossed to the side of the bed. I couldn't believe that I had such a dream. I snickered quietly and fluttered my eyes open. I stared at the ceiling and was confused at the sudden brightness. Did Jacob finally fix the lights in the room?

I sat up and winced at the sore feeling around my body. After days of sleeping on the hard bed, my body had finally gotten used to the bed. I looked around the room. There is no way that the room can be changed in just a day.

"Ah there, awake princess?"

I turned and my eyes widened in shock, looking at the source of the voice.

"Jared? But how? Oh my gosh.... I wasn't dreaming about that!" I exclaimed, looking around the room once more.

"Dreaming? Are you in your right mind Jen?" Jared muttered, tilting his head to one side, observing me.

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