#Chapter 5: The worst choice

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#Chapter 5(Blake’s Pov)

I sat, waiting edgily at the sofa. I kept on taping my feet irritably on the floor. Seriously that chick was damn weak. Well I can’t deny that it’s partially my fault. I was fuming mad while looking down at the floor. Now I had to apologize.

Footsteps were heard and that causes me to compose myself.  I stand up, turned and stared straight to her face. Her cheeks turn red instantly. I smirked slightly before apologizing.

As if she read my mind, she apologized too. I paused when she suddenly gave me an amused smile. She’s cute. Wait a moment, Blake doesn’t think girls cute. She’s not my type!  I kept my face cool and gave her one of my heart-melting crooked smiles.

“Hi, I’m Blake Ryder…and let’s get to business.” I introduced myself.

Immediately after that I get straight to the point. I said sternly and gave a humourless look when she was about to smile. Well chick, it’s time to get serious now!


I led the way to the room. Usually, this is the place where we ‘meet’ and discuss when there’s some gang news or activities to do. She walked in with an amazement look. Well I can understand that.

Tyler does have an exceptional and remarkable taste when it comes to home furnishing. With money, this guy could do basically everything he wants.  With an uneasy look, she settled herself to one of the large leather brown chair.

I lower myself gently to the seat as I look warily at her. How am I supposed to start off this? Out of so many people, she has to be the one involved in this complicated situation.

Tyler hurriedly went to seat to the chair right next to her. Smart. Now I’m the only one who needs to split my head open and figure how to tell her. I gave him a death glare before returning my gaze to her.

She was looking all over the place except for Tyler and me. The situation was too tense that I could hardly breathe. What in the world? I’m just going to discuss about the danger in her life not mine!

I shake my head before clearing my throat. Finally returning back from la la land, she turned and faced me with determination plastered on her face.

“Okay… then, Jennifer, I assumed, Tyler had informed you about us and what happened yesterday?” I asked seriously.

 She nodded and that was my cue to continue. I explained clearly about the gang and what we do. I also informed her about the obvious things such as I’m the leader and stuff. From the continuous shaking of her hands, I knew that she was afraid.

“So, as I just stated, when a person know about us and things we do, we consider them dangerous and risky for them to stay alive.” I continued.

I was obviously hinting to her that she was to be killed. But then why the hell does she look as if she’s admiring what I said? Not only is she crazy but weird too!

I was about to point out if she was crazy when suddenly her facial expression drop. Wait has my words finally sank into her head? Wow she was that fast?!(Note the sarcasm)

“Am I going to be killed?” she asked with quivering voice.

No shit Sherlock!  Obviously I didn’t say that. Hey I’m not that heartless! I kept quiet so did Tyler. I didn’t know what to do or help her so I remain still and cool. I shifted my eyes to Tyler. Man! I was shocked to see the thoughtful look appearing on his face. He was really into her?

I examined the two, Tyler and Jennifer, together? After a long moment of stillness, finally Tyler spoke up.

“Blake if we would to add another member we could right?”

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