12 | Operation : First Date! | 12

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"N-N-N-N-N-NATSUMIIIIII!!!!!!" Naomi yelled, running into their house

"What?!" She yelled, annoyed

Naomi was blushing really hard,

"You okay? You're turning more red in the second."

"A-A-A-A-Ayato asked-"

"Natsumi! I'm done..." Zero said, walking in, a towel wrapped around his neck

"I'll go in in a sec."

Naomi gasped and smirked

"Natsumi, what's that on your neck?" Naomi asked, pointing at the purple spot on her neck

Natsumi blushed and threw a pillow at her

"Pervert! It's paint!" Natsumi was blushing more

"Oh.. I don't believe you."

Zero sighed and walked up to Natsumi, made her stand up, and turned her around

Her hair was covered in paint

"OHHHHHhhhhhh. Okay..."

"Stop thinking like that Naomi."

She giggled evilly,


"Anyways~! Ayato asked me out on a date! Our first date!" Naomi fangirled

"Yeah... I'm gonna leave you with her." Natsumi left to the bathroom

"Wait but-" The bathroom door was already shut

Zero sighed, and slowly turned back around to Naomi

Naomi giggled evilly, "Now lemme tell you more~!"

| ♤ |

"I'm ba-. What happened to Zero?" Natsumi asked, seeing Zero on the floor dead

"Well~ I told him about-"



Natsumi sighed, grabbing Zero and dragged him to her room

She laid Zero on her bed and walked back into the living room

"Tell me what happened."

| A few mintues ago... |

Ayato walked up to Naomi, scratching behind his neck

"H-Hey Naomi..."

Naomi turned around in her seat,

"Yes?" She asked clueless

"U-Umm..." He was sweating really hard

She tilted her head to the left,


He was blushing really hard, "Uh... Uhm..."

"You okay?"

"W-Will you go out with me...?"

Her eyes widen,

She ran out of the guild and to her house

| ♤ |

"And... that's what happened..."

Natsumi was facepalming,
"You did something wrong, baka."

She had a pokerface, "Huh...?"

Natsumi start banging her head on the table,


She had a 'ohhhh' face

Natsumi started banging her head on the table again

Naomi scratched behind her head, "Heh... I forgot..."

Natsumi facedpalmed, "Baka..."

Zero walked in, holding his head, "I over reacted to much. Now I have a stinging pain in my head..."

Zero looked towards Natsumi to see her forehead a little bit pink

Zero sighs as Natsumi held her head in pain

"You shouldn't have banged your head on the table..."

"It's not my fault. Naomi was being a baka."

| ♤ |

"Stop moving!"

"Ow! Ow!"

"If you don't stop moving then It'll keep hurting so stop!"

Naomi pouted and slouched in her seat as Natsumi did her hair

"Sit up."

Naomi obyed and sat up

"Your lucky I'm doing this. Erza or the others would have done something more crazy."

Naomi pouted, "Whatever."

"And.... done."

Naomi looked at herself in the mirror

"Wow..." She started admiring herself in the mirror

"What do you say?"


Naomi jumped out of the seat and ran out, looking for Ayato

Natsumi sighed and smiled



This will be two parts~!

I'm too lazy writing more so deal with it :)))

See you in the next chapter

Author-senpai out~!☆

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