Chapter 28

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I'm updating earlier than I thought I would, hope that's alright and I think I will do one tomorrow too. 

oh and some of you are confused about Jess' due date and why it is so soon it's bc time that's been skipped throughout the book and ya 

Hope its okayy


Luke's P.O.V.

Right now I'm on my way to practice for tour, which I'm annoyed about. I just wanted to spend the rest of my day with Vic, like I was doing, but of course they called me and I had to leave.

Since that day where the guys and Vic got drunk, honestly all I can think about is what Vic said.

I'm glad she brought it up, even if she was drunk. Since she was drunk I know she was saying what she was actually thinking and also talking about it just this morning, it just made me really happy. It made me happy to think she has had the same thoughts I've had. The thoughts of getting married. I don't care about our age honestly, and everybody would make comments about our age, but Vic and I have been through so much. I love her so fucking much, and the thought of possibly marrying her one day makes me smile.

I just got to our rehearsal for going back on tour but right now they're all sitting doing nothing.

I want to bring up the idea of possibly proposing to Vic to the guys, but I'm actually scared of what their reactions might be. But I want to ask them now before going back on tour.

Though I know we just got back together, we never stopped caring about each other. We were both still in love. I really don't see it as a setback. I know we're young. But I really don't care. I don't care at all. All I care about is her

I think I'm going to do it right now.. Here goes nothing..


Michael's P.O.V.

We're all sitting around, chatting and eating until Luke speaks up, "Guys.. I kinda have, I have something big to say but, I don't want you to freak out at me. But your opinions are really important to me.."

"What is it.." Calum slowly asks.

"I want to know what you would think.." He stops to take a deep breath, "I want to know what you would think i-if I proposed to Vic.."

I end up spitting my drink out as Ashton chokes on his food.

"Luke you're eighteen!" Ashton exclaims between coughs.

"I-I know but, she's brought it up, we've both thought of it and I don't care about our age. Why does it matter?" Luke replies.

"You're still a teenager how is marriage even a thought for either of you?" Ashton asks. "Are you guys even back together?"

"Yea, we are." Luke quietly replies.

"I think whatever is going to make you guys happy I'll be fine with." I say.

"What the hell is going on right now.." Calum asks completely shocked.

"Alright so now we've got a band member expecting a baby and another planning on getting married at eighteen." Ashton says.

Calum gives Ashton a look before adding, "Ashton don't bring Jess and I into this. But really Luke are you sure that you want to make this commitment at this age.."

"I do. Do you guys think its a bad idea? We were just talking about it about it and I don't know it just feels right, I guess? I don't know how to explain it." Luke says.

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