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Umm... hey, guys. I want to tell you guys that I may not upload anything throughout this week. The reason why is that lately I've been feeling extremely sad and complete and utterly useless. I know exactly why I feel like this. During last week, my school was having home-coming week and on Tuesday it was Generation Day so I dressed from the 80's. I was talking with my sister as we walked out to wait for the bus, I was all excited to finish my outfit when I looked forward, up (yes up. we live on a hill) the driveway and on the road was my kitten. My little, black kitten lying dead on the road. I broke, falling to my knees as I looked at the kitten that I loved now dead. I'm feel so worthless without him. He loved me, took all my worries and stress away. The worst part, this happened 4 other times this year.  First was Leo, my other sister's cat, I found him in the backyard on the way out to wait for the bus. Second was a stray female, black cat that my sister found on the road in the afternoon and on the same day my black cat Mitszy went missing. Then was Eclipse, he was so young, at most 5 months old. I heart-broken. I just felt that you guys needed an explaination for why there won't be  any uploads this week, but if I feel up to it I'll definitely do it.



Stay safe ~ <3

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