Chapter 9

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"You still managed to grow up a good man Addicks I'm proud of you and I just knew my son would be mated to one of my best friends kids. She's something else you know she's not one to just bow down to you so don't let that Alpha crap go to your head or you'll probably find yourself on your ass if you don't believe me ask Dominick he's learned not to try to use that Alpha shit with me" Aria said while smiling some

I smiled back at her laughing a little no doubt her and Arabella are a force to be reckoned with.

"I wouldn't doubt it" I said

"Okay you can go back in now. Look I know you're new and I know you're mates but if you do anything to hurt my daughter you won't like the outcome of it" Stetson said

"Sir I have no intentions on hurting your daughter and I'm sure if I were to hurt her you'd have to get me after she's done with me" I said glancing into the room to see her grabbing things getting ready for a shower

"You're right about that. But this weekend before I announce anything on weather you're their son or not I'm sending you to up to the cabin. We decided that with everything going on you two deserve to be alone. You better not take advantage of my daughter I know she saved herself for her mate because I made that idiot swear to me they wouldn't do anything until after either they were to be arranged or she found hers either way " Stetson said giving me one of them father looks. 

"I don't think you would have had to say that to him cause she seems to be the kind of girl who would have waited on her mate anyway" Addicks said before slumping against the wall.

"Yeah I know but still it made me feel better" Stetson said and walked off.

Arabella was in the shower so I grabbed my phone off the bed side table and laid on the bed scrolling through my messages and missed calls. I noticed a call with my mom that lasted about 5 minutes. I don't remember talking to my mom any today? Did Arabella talk to my mom and if she did how did that go. I mean we didn't even end it on good terms at all hell she told me I wasn't her son anylonger so I'm not sure why she would be calling me anyway. I laid my phone back on the bedside table and decided I should probably put some of my clothes away. I was almost done hanging my jeans and t-shirts up I mean I didn't have much to begin with. I legit only have like 3 pairs of jeans and only one pair isn't stained with grease. My shirts don't fair much better.

"Hey babe, I could have done that for you, You have to get up early and start training tomorrow so you need to be heading to bed." She said grabbing my last pair of jeans before scrunching her face up. "Is this all you have?"

"Yeah i didn't have that kind of money babe" I said ,besides I've never had to have fancy clothes surely she doesn't expect me to dress up all the time.

"Well we will change that sometime this week. With us being the next ones to step up and be Alpha and Luna you will have to have at least one suit and some nice dress pants and button up shirts for your meetings. But the rest of the time you can wear whatever you like" She said and hung up my pants and came over to the bed and layed down with me.

"I was scared you were going to make me dress up all the time" I said

"Ha no you'll see even I don't dress up half the time. Honestly none of us really do well except you're usual high end bitches. My usual clothes either consist of pants, sweets , tanks or baggy t-shirts there more comfortable. " Aria said and turned to snuggled into me   

The next morning 

Arabella's p.o.v

I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon rubbing my eyes I roll over to feel the bed empty I frowned. Where could he have gone off to so early? About that time the door opened to reveal Addicks with a trey of breakfast.

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