Chapter 5

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Stetson's P.O.V

So apparently one of our pack members has met their mate on this summer trip they have went on. Why do I have the feeling that something bad is about to happen maybe I should go talk to Dominick. 'I think we should, He might be able to give a little advice on it' My wolf spoke

I decided to wait till after lunch just to make sure that they were up since Dominick no longer had Alpha duties he no longer had to get up at the crack of dawn, I on the other hand did. I ran the perimeter every morning looking for any signs of rogues or anything that didn't look right. It takes about an hour for me to do it thoroughly.

'Stetson!' Dominick linked

'Yeah?' I linked

'I have something to tell you come to your office' Dominick linked

'On my way' I linked back. I finished what i was doing and started back to the pack house and to my office to see Dominick waiting and smiling like he just got the best news.

"So what is it?" I asked sitting behind the desk.

"I'm gonna be a dad again!" Dominick said bouncing in his feet.

"Thats great man! I'm glad that you and Aria decided to try again." I said standing up to give him a hug.

"We wasn't trying man, but honestly I couldn't be happier. But on a serious note I'm gonna ask you to double patrols. I don't want what happened last time to happen again. I can't let that happen again" Dominick said the last part almost a whisper.

"You know i will no problem. Oh and i wanted to talk to you about something. One of the pack members found their mate. So you know that means that someone new will be on pack grounds possibly bringing some of their family with them. I have this feeling that something's about to happen. I don't know if it's the fact that we haven't had anyone new in our pack in a while or if something is actually up" I said.

"Well honestly I haven't been feeling as if something is wrong but honestly I haven't even tried seeing if something didn't feel right. When do they get back?" Domnick asked

"Tomorrow, I still don't know who it is that found their mate. It's like they're keeping it some big secret" I said

"You don't think it's your little girl do you?" Dominick asked smiling

"No, She's with Max I like that boy I approve of him! She would tell me if she found her mate. Hell Max would tell me if she found her mate. That boy is head over heels for her" I said leaning back in my chair.

It's true he's in love with my daughter and he would make a damn good Alpha when I finally step down. I told her it would be after her senior year but I think I'll give her an extra year to just be a teenager experience things and have fun and then she will have to step up and take her role as leader of the pack as she's supposed to. 

Addick's P.O.V

I explained everything to her about how I sell my ADHD medicine and how the pain meds i get i sell them also. It's not exactly prideful but it's how we get by and to my surprise instead of turning away from me she hugged me and kissed me and said that once we move back to her pack I won't have to do anything like that again and that my family is more than welcome to come if they want. After telling her everything i left and headed home.

(At Home)

"Mom what do you mean I can't go?" I said trying not to yell.

Who the hell does she think she is telling me I can't go with my mate to her pack. I'll be damned if I let her leave without me but I know she has to go back she's to be their leader! She has no choice but to go back and if she goes with out me I could lose her to that dick wad Max and I'll be damned if that happens I'll kill that fucker if he so much as looks at her in the wrong way she's mine and only mine. I'm going with her even if that mean I have to leave my mother here. I'll still help support her I mean I'll send her money and everything. But i just can't let my mate leave without me besides what kind of mate would I be if I let my mom tell me I can't be with her.

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