Chapter 6

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Veronica's P.O.V

What the hell do i do? My son has found his mate and as fate has it she's from the pack I stole him from. Damn it to hell what do i do? This is fucking amazing I mean I knew he would probably find his mate but never did I think she would be from his pack damn it! There has to be a way that I can use this to my advantage. I wonder if I could cast a spell that will make his mate listen to me then basically I will be running the pack myself. Addicks has immense power since I have gave him some of my blood I just haven't taught him how to use it just yet I'm just waiting for the right time. He also has his wolf still but I have blocked him so that he can't shift but now that he will be gaining his rightful Alpha title I guess I have to.

"Vanessa!" I yelled

"Yeah" She said walking into my bedroom

"Addicks has found his mate and just guess what fucking pack she belongs to" I said while searching through my spell book looking for anything that could remotely control someone.

"Holy shit! My old pack?" Vanessa asked

"Yepp as the fates would have it she is to be the next in line to run the pack. Who would have thought that my son would wind up going back to the pack his parents reside" I said

"Shit this is just perfect they will not allow me back into the pack so Addicks will have to go alone. I mean if you show up with him then they will kill you for stealing their son and rightful Alpha." Vanessa said sitting down on the edge of my bed.

" I know which is why your son must go with mine. I know I know you don't want to let him out of your sight but it's the only thing we can do for now anyway. Besides once Addicks realizes he's not mine he will want nothing to do with me or you for that matter but your son knows nothing about this there for Addicks will still trust him." I said still looking but not finding anything.

"That's true but if they find out he's my son they might torture him to find out where we are or worse kill him to get back at me for helping my father kidnap Aria!" Vanessa said while pacing back and forth

"Nothing will happen to the boy he's innocent in all this" I said which is true he knows nothing about what happened or that his mother was mated to someone or that Addicks isn't mine. The only thing is is that her son is truly only half wolf I'm not even sure he will ever shift.

Finally i found the book i was looking for in my Book of Shadows. This book has been passed down generation after generation. In order for this spell to work i have to have a couple ingredients which should already be in my closet. I know Addicks know that I'm a witch but I haven't taught him any of it. I flipped through the pages finally finding the spell i was looking for.

spirits, guide my ethereal rope to (name of person you're after)

Join us in the fashion of the moon's light and darkness

Make us one in both mind and spirit

May I became one, body and soul, with (person you're after).

As I walk they shall walk with me.

As I speak of sweet fruits, they shall be bathed in their sweetness

As I feel alone or angry they too will be enveloped by these emotions

I thank the spirits who have guided me on this quest for their help

I pray you create a rope between (person you're after) and myself that is as strong as prison iron.

The first part of the spell is to gain control the last part is to relinquish control when you have achieved your goal. Only trouble is is that I'm going to need something of hers so I guess I have to apologize to Addicks and talk to the girl.

We two are no longer as one.

You are yourself once again and I am myself again

I release your mind from my control.

" I'm going to get your son to retrieve one of the girl's belongings and bring it to me. It's the only way I can do the spell." I told Vanessa

I walked into the living room in search of Eric to find him making out with some chick on my couch. MY FUCKING COUCH.

"Hey you two break it the hell off!" I yelled causing them to jump apart.

"What the hell Aunt V!" Eric said

"What do you think you're doing on my brand new couch!" I asked.

" Making out with my mate obviously!" Eric replied smiling "Aunt V meet Arianna my mate"

"Well hello there I'm his Aunt Veronica you must be with the pack that's visiting town." I said

"I am actually. Oh shit I'm sorry Eric but I have to get going they're gonna leave soon. I know I can't ask you to come with me yet since we just met but please don't wait too long to decide if you want me or not" Arianna said kissing him on the cheek.

"It was nice meeting you I hope you guy's come and visit if Eric decides to accept me as his mate" Arianna said

"It was nice meeting you two and actually I already have Eric's things packed. Me and you're mother decided we wanted you to go with Addicks because well I don't want my son off alone with a bunch of people he don't know" I said

"Seriously, I thought I was gonna have to deal with mom in order to go since I'm not 18 yet " Eric said

"No you're free to go you only need to load your things up and get over there" I said.

"Thanks Aunt V" Eric said and hugged me before dragging the girl to his room.

Well looks like all I have to do is get one of them to mail it to me. I've controlled all of them at one point so all i have to do is reactivate the spell for Eric and Vanessa. After ten minutes the car was packed with clothes the rest we will ship to him. It took 20 minutes for his mom to say goodbye then they finally left now I can get to work on my spells I can get Eric to steal something of hers which will be easier. 


Well I'm  back sort of I'm slowly getting somewhere on this book sorry it's taking so long to update 

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