Chapter 19: All the way home

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Yn P.O.V.

My first appointment was today nothing special I'm just gonna hear the baby's heartbeat. Craig wants me to call him as soon as they let me hear he couldn't come because he has studio time and if they cancel it they're gonna get fined. So it's just gonna be me and my Ari. It's been a while since me and Ari have spent quality time together so after my appointment we are gonna go whatever she wants. OH GOD! I got out of bed and got Ari ready put her in the bath tub I washed her hair. I lotioned her up and brushed he teeth and put her on some black legging and a white shirt that said " Daddy's Princess " in red lettering and her Dirty Bred 11s I put her hair in a high bun. She went in her room and watched TV. Until I was done with my morning routine I got in the shower and thought about life I mean isn't that the best time to think about life I thought about my pregnancy. It's a lot of things that are different with this pregnancy than with Ari. I don't have morning sickness THANK GOD and my mood doesn't change as much which is a good thing according to Craig. I hope it's a girl but Craig wants a boy and so does Ari. I finished washing up and chuckled at what Ari said when we told her that she would've have a brother or sister


"Ari come here baby "I called out to Ari as I sat myself on my bed putting my back against the wall

"Coming mommy "she called back Craig was rubbing my stomach half away asleep. He does that a lot I smile knowing that he is gonna be an amazing father to our unborn baby I mean look at Ari she is spoiled rotten

"Yes mommy "Ari said jumping on the bed

There was no other way to say it then to come right out and say it

"Baby you're gonna have a brother or sister "I said rubbing my stomach and smiling

"..." she didn't say anything im guessing she was letting it process

"I hope it's a brother "she said bluntly

"Why "

"Because then I have to share daddy"

Craig laughed and shook his head

*Flashback Over*

I got out the tub and wrapped a towel around my body putting lotion on my body and I put on some black skinny jeans, a daisy white tank top, jigsaw soft tan leather jacket and some white stilettos' might as well wear them while I can before my feet start to swell up. I straightened my curly hair and wanded it I put on some eye liner and mascara and I was ready to go

"Ari! Baby grab your ipad and lets go " we had a pretty busy day first I had to go to the doctors then drop Ari off at Craig's job go grocery shopping and meet Nay and Bri back here to just chill out and wait for the boys to come back from the studio.

Ari and I got in Craig's red Camaro and we were off it was about a 10 minute drive plus the traffic. We arrived at the doctor's office and I went up to the desk and signed my name in I waited for about 5 minutes until a nurse came and called my name

"Yn Yln "she called

I stood up and grabbed Ari's hand and followed behind the nurse she lead me to a room and told me that the doctor would be here momentarily.

"Mommy why are we here "

"To look at your brother or sister and see how he or she is doing "I said fixing her bun

"Do we get to know what it is today?"

"Not yet baby "

There was a knock on the door and Dr. Brown walked in

"Well hello Yn it's been so long since I seen you how are you?"

"Wonderful "I said smiling

"You are glowing darling "

"Thanks "

"So let get right into it Yn hop up on the table so we can get you "

I did as she told me and pulled my shirt already knowing what she was gonna say next

"So where is little Ari "she asked applying the gel stuff on my belly

I gasped at how cold the gel was

"She is right there "

"That is not her she has gotten so big she look every spit off you and Craig "

"I know "I laughed

"And there is your baby "when she said that his heart started. I started crying I mean this is just so beautiful she moved the screen around so that Ari could see. She started smiling after that Dr. Brown turned the screen off and wiped the gel off of my stomach

"Alright Yn you are a month along come back in two weeks "she handed me a cd

"What's this?" I asked

"A video of the sonogram "

"oh okay "I grabbed Ari's hand and went to the front desk to schedule a another appointment two weeks from now after that Ari and I were headed back to the car

"Baby do you want to go grocery shopping with mommy or to daddy's job? " I asked looking down at Ari

"Daddy job daddy job "she cheered

"Daddy's job it is "I said opening the door for her

I didn't bother calling him because I had already told him that I was gonna drop her off. We pulled up to the studio I parked right next to Craig's car, I grabbed Ari hand and we went up to the 10th floor and went to Studio B. I heard music playing and when we went to the door it said recording so I turned the knob really quietly and opened the door. And that's when I seen....



I havent did a Cliffy in a while

So what did you see?

What do you want to see?




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