Forever: Chapter 11

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Yn P.O.V.

" who's is Candace and why would she think you wouldn't be getting married? " I asked cutting right to the chase

" let's go get you some lunch " he said totally ignoring my question pulling out the parking lot and  driving down the street


We pulled up to the restaurant and Craig went to grab the car door and get out

" Don't touch the fucking door. Who the fuck is Candace?  And why did she think you weren't getting married? " I tried to breath and stay calm but him trying to ignore the question was really pissing me the fuck off

" she's nobo- " I cut him

" CRAIG FUCKING CRIPPEN ! Tell me right now " I said looking at him

" baby calm down. Why are you getting yourself so worked up?  "

" I know you didn't just tell me to calm down. Lord please protect him cause I'm about to strangle this nigga "

" Craig I swear to fucking God if you don't tell me what happened right now you're not gonna like the outcome "

He sighed and leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes

" when y'all left the club that night I had a few drinks we stayed a while and just hung out. Then the club got boring so we went to the strip club Candace was a stripper there she gave me a lap dance and I stopped her because it didn't feel right, we talked about you " he stopped

" the drinks kept coming and I kept drinking I remember my vision getting blurred and Candace running her hands down my chest "

At this point I couldn't even look at him I knew where this was going I turned and looked at out the window and bit my bottom lip I didn't even realize I was crying until I glanced at myself in the mirror

" we ended up smashing " he mumbled

I don't know what came over me I turned around so fast and punched the shit out of him

He groaned and held his jaw

" I hate you. So fucking much right now!  Ten years. We've been fucking married for ten years you couldn't find the time or fucking place to tell me you smashed a bitch at the strip club the day before we got married!  "

" baby "  he tried grabbing my hand

" don't touch me " I snatched my hand away

I wiped my eyes and pulled out my phone and called Bri


Bri come and pick me up I'm at Applebee's I said and hung up

" baby I can take you home " he said softly

" one more question. Before I get the fuck out your car "

He sighed and leaned back in his seat again

" did you fuck Lisa? " apart of me already knew he did

" yes I fucked Lisa but that was around the time my mother passed away "

I nodded

" and Tatiana is your daughter?  "

" I don't know we are suppose to be getting a DNA test " he answered

" and when were you gonna tell me that?  When you found out she wasn't yours and you were in the clear right? Nah not even then you would've probably swept it under the rug right?  " I seen Bri pull up in the rear view mirror

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