Chapter 21: Things Change

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Yn P.O.V.

Im now 2 months pregnant and as much as I would like to say that my pregnancy is perfect and everything with Craig and I are perfect I would be lying. Craig doesn’t even come home some nights and when I ask him where he has been he nonchantly says working I don’t believe him what so ever. His behavior has also changed towards me he acts more aggressive like he has this mind set that everyone is out to get him and if im about to leave the house he starts yelling at me saying that im leaving him. he still treats Ari like a princess when he is home something is seriously wrong with him and im going to find out.

We also pushed the wedding back but now im even contemplating if I want to spend the rest of my life with him. After the countless talks about him not becoming the monster he once was now he is turning back into everything he said he would never be.

" mommy mamaw said can you bring me over because her and papaw are going out to eat"

" Yeah right after I put these cloths in the washer "

I grabbed the hamper of dirty clothes out of Craig and I room

" Ari do you have any dirty clothes in your room? "

" no mommy you washed them all "

I nodded my head and walked down stairs to the laundry. one by one I went through the pockets I found my other earring that has been missing for a few days now. I picked up a pair of Craig's jeans and felt his pockets he always leaves money in his pockets but this time I didn't feel money I felt a plastic bag it was like a left over white substance. I know this is not what I think it is I put the bag in the pocket of my sweats I dumped the rest of the cloths in the washer not even caring I'm gonna confront him about this TODAY.

" Ari put on your shoes " I said running up the stairs and grabbing my phone and car keys. she put on her shoes and came down the stairs I dropped her off at my parents house

I went straight to the studio I didn't call or anything. I pulled up and parked and walked fast to their studio room I passed the receptionist

" hey Yn"  she called but I didn't have time for talking

I walked to the door I twisted the knob quietly and walked in I seen Craig's head go down like he was sniffing something then his head came back up and the rubbed his nose and started sniffling. I was enraged

" SO THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN DOING " I yelled at him he looked shocked then he spoke

" oh hay baby " he said coming towards me and rubbing his nose

" don't come any closer to me " I said on the verge of crying he kept walking towards me I turned to walk away from him and leave out the studio

" SO YOU LEAVING ME NOW " he screamed causing me to flinch. see this is what I'm talking about

" I will see you at home SOBER " I said and continued to walk away he snatched my arm and pulled me back to him. I was crying even more it's like old times all over again he raised his hand up I turned my head prepared to feel the sting of the slap on my face but I never felt it he had put his hand down and started crying. he had let my arms go and I just stood there and hugged him he pushed me away

" Yn! can you stop I need some space right now"  he said moving away from me

" Cr- " he cut me off


I walked out of the studio and past the receptionist

" bye Yn " she said again

I walked to my car and cried I didn't know what to do from here should I leave and help him through this or should I go? so many things filled my head again.

I drove to Bri's house I need someone to talk to and at least vent to get a little bit of advice. I parked in their drive way and walked to the front door she asked who it was but I didn't answer she opened the door and looked at me

" ok what the Hell happened to you it looks like you got hit by a 16 wheeler"  she said moving aside so I could come in

" I sure do feel like it"  I said sitting on her couch

" what happened"  she said sitting next to me

" Craig has been doing coke"  I said crying in more

" ok first thing is first you need to stop crying you aren't doing anything but stressing yourself out and that ain't good for the baby" 

I composed myself to the best of my ability

" so what are you gonna do? " she asked

" I really don't know Bri, I know I don't want to leave him to go through this alone but I don't like that look in his eye Bri when he grabbed me at the studio it's the same look he used to give when he would beat me" 

" then help him get through it Yn be his rock through it all" 

I stayed there and a little while longer and we talked then it was time for me to go home I need my time to think. on the way back home I thought about just packing Ari's and my bags and just leaving. I pulled into the drive way and seen that Craig was already here I went in the house to see him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands I shut the door and he looked up

" Yn we need to talk"

" I just want to know how long have you been doing it and why? " I said sitting adjacent from him he cleared his throat and took a deep breath

" for a month now it all started when I was in the studio with Quentin I just couldn't get anything right and it was like I was stuck I kept leaving the studio and coming back thinking that something would come to mind but it didn't then Quentin told me about what he uses when he is at a road block and how it always helps him and I was coming up on a dead line I needed to finish this song so I tried it. it made me feel free like I didn't have a care in the world and when I wrote, I wrote freely nothing was blocking me" 

" did you ever stop and think about Ari and our unborn what about them Craig! did you even think that your actions affect us too! you could go to jail for that and what about your career "

" I wasn't thinking then but I am now I'm done with that stuff I'm sorry ok" 

" You did everything you said you would never I did " I said crying again

" baby I'm sorry " he hugged me

" how many times are you gonna say that! you don't understand you hurt me to the core"  I said looking into his eye with tears in mine

" I accept your apology Craig but now I'm the one that needs to think"  I said grabbing my keys he grabbed my arm not hard just trying to stop

" your not leaving me right? " he asked I looked in his eyes I seen his hurt I truly believed that he was sorry

" I'm not gonna leave you Craig I just need some space right now I don't want to harm my baby so I will be back when I have cleared my head I don't need to be stressing" he let my arm go and I walked out the door


what should you do?? 

should you stay and help him through this or get out of it now because it's not good for you Ari or the baby???

please comment!!!

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