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Why I Wrote This Book.

I have always felt saddened by the unnecessary guilt people seem to feel the moment the topic of prayer comes up in a conversation. It seems like they believe that they will never be good enough and pray long enough to experience delight in prayer. But talking to your heavenly Father should be a delight, and something you can look forward to! Don't you agree?

For many believers, their prayer lives have become a desolate battleground of personal failure. This is so unnecessary! A few slight adjustments can lift your chin as you look into the loving eyes of your heavenly Father!

In this book, I have compiled twenty one principles to help you enter this wide-open, expansive world of joyful prayer. For the next twenty one days, do one thing extra every day as you journey through different instructions from the Bible. Resist the temptation to rush ahead and finish this book in a single setting. Rather, savor the day's lesson and allow yourself to ponder its implications. Then, the next day, when you add a new strategy, you will not forget the previous day's lesson.

At first, it will feel like a new discipline, but you will quickly break through into pure delight. Sooner than you think, you will enjoy your prayer journey with God! Thank you for reading!

~ Iann Schonken

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