Day 9: Asking God With The Wrong Motive Doesn't Work

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"And even when you ask, you don't get it because your motives are all wrong-you want only what will give you pleasure. You adulterers! Don't you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God." James 4:3-4 (New Living Translation).

God does not sponsor selfish pursuits of self- indulgent pleasures. Our Heavenly Father wants to see us mature beyond being carnal and selfish to living selfless lives of service. While He does not deny us our basic human needs of food, shelter, and clothing, He does not want us to be involved in trivial pursuits.

The things of this world should become less and less important and the quest of the Kingdom should become our own. The quest of the Kingdom is to bring glory to the King by loving Him and loving people. It is not about loving our own pleasure, but rather to serve our neighbors in the name of the Lord by sharing His Good News and eternal love.

Consider your recent talks with the Lord. Determine if you were more focused on your wants and pleasures than on your true needs as a child in God's Kingdom. Again, there are wants and there are needs ... and the mature believer can discern the difference.

God loves us and He does not mind providing the occasional treat. Yet, our prayers should flow from a pure motivation to be about our Heavenly Father's business here on earth. We are in the earth, but we are not of this earth, and earthly pleasures should not dominate our conversations with the Lord.

Action Step:

- Consider your recent prayer requests.

- How many of them could be considered selfish requests to indulge in earthly pleasures? How many truly reflect the Kingdom priorities you learn about in Scripture?

- Let's recalibrate our motivations in prayer. May our motivations more accurately reflect what God would consider mature and pleasing in His sight.


1. Prayer Is Simply Talking And Listening To God.

2. Prayer Should Flow From A Contrite Heart.

3. Your Prayers Should Be Confident.

4. Your Prayers Should Be Concise And To The Point.

5. Your Prayers Should Be Consistent And Constant.

6. Pray In Jesus' Name.

7. Pray About Everything!

8. You Do Not Have Because You Don't Ask God.

9. Asking God With The Wrong Motive Doesn't Work.

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