Ava Anderson hasn't had the best childhood ever, Ava's parents would constantly fight ever since she could understand what's was happening. When she was 13 her mum Claire found out her husband Ava's dad was cheating. The day Claire found out she was...
I woke up with beads of sweat on my forehead and memories of the nightmare Haunting me. The nightmare was about my father even though he's out my life for good I still get flashbacks of what he did to me. I eventually got up and got dressed (the pic) and Walked into the kitchen and got the lucky charms and put them in a bowl with some milk. And sat down at the table to eat them. When I was half way through eating the lucky charms Tanner walked in with his sexy bed hair.......Ava STOP what are you thinking for got sake. I wiped that though out of my head and said good morning to Tanner and continued to eat the lucky charms. When i finished I put the bowl in the sink and sat down on the couch and turned on friends.
Tanner sat down next me, "what do you wanna do today?"I asked him. "Good question.....I was actually wandering if you wanted later to go out to dinner?"Tanner asked with his cheeks going red. "As a date or....."I asked "A date that if you want it to be date if you don't it doesn't matter..." Tanner rambled on. "Tanner stop I want it to be a date"I said cutting in and I could feel my Cheeks going red. "A date it is,"tanner said smiling at me "What's the dress code" i asked, "Nothing to fancy you can go like that your pretty in anything."Tanner said smiling sweetly. When he said that major butterflies formed in my stomach, it has to be the best feeling ever. 2 hours later Its time for me and tanners date were going to a little restaurant that's all tanner told me, he said were doing something afterwards but left that out. I got dressed in a cropped burgundy vest with light blue shorts, a cream cardigan and white converse also I put on a gold necklace. I left my hair with its natural beach waves. I walked out into living room and found tanner sitting on the couch wearing a white t shirt, blue jeans with rips in the knees and his white nikes. If I say so my myself he looks hottttt.
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"You look really pretty Ava," Tanner said giving a cute smile. "You too." I said then tanner stated laughing really hard at what I said. "You-think-I'm-pretty!" Tanner said between laughs, I nervously laughed. "I meant you look alright." I said trying to cover up what I said. "Sure..." Tanner said still slightly laughing.
We walked to tanner car and got in. We drove to the restaurant it was only 5minuets away. We arrived at the restaurant it was a cute little diner. We walked In and sat a table near the back. A waiter walked up to us and asked what we wanted to drink I got a lemonade and Tanner got a coke. A couple minutes later our drinks arrived. We sat their talking about gossip or taking about funny stories and occasionally sipping our drinks. A waiter came over to get our orders I ordered a burger and chips and tanner got the same. The food arrived and it looks delicious can't wait to devour this. Out the corner of my eye I saw a guy with light brown hair staring at me and when I looked at him he saw I was looking and smiled I quickly looked back at tanner and he raised his eyebrow and looked concerned I shook my head signalling everything's fine. We finished our food and tanner paid the bill even though I tired to help to pay but tanner refused. Tanner and i got in his car, tanner gave me a bandana I looked at it confused. "Put it over your eyes I've got a surprise but you can't take it off until I tell you." Tanner said. "Okay." I said putting the bandana over my eyes and tied it tight. I felt the car stop at a halt and I heard tanner get out and his car door shut then all of a sudden my car door opened and tanner helped me get out. His hand was on my back and his other hand was holding mine. Tanner stopped walking amd pulled off my bandana. The view was breath taking the beach was beautiful and the sunset was even better.
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I turned around and tanner was standing there smiling, I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him into a very tight but loving hug. I felt tanners arms wrap around my waist and pulled hugged me even tighter if that was even possible. "Thank you." I said still enjoying the hug I could feel the butterflies erupting in my stomach. "No problem." tanner said I could feel him smiling. I pulled away from the long warm hug and sat on the sand and tanner followed sitting next to me and putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to him. We sat there for a good 5 minutes enjoying the view and each other's company. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you." Tanner said looking at me. I worriedly asked him "what is it?" "Um how do I put his I really like you." Tanner said all of a sudden I froze not knowing what to say, of course I like him back its just a surprise. "I like you too" I said smiling It felt like a tons of weight off my shoulders telling tanner that. "That's good do you wanna be my girlfriend then?" Tanner said half laughing half smiling. "Yes of course." I said kissing tanners cheek.
_____________________________________________________________________________ Hope you like the chapter 😝 I'm gonna be updating a lot this week because I'm off school for a week 👍🏻