Chapter 3

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"Hi I would like to report my dad abusing me." I said a bit nervously.
"Okay how long has this been happening?"said the kind police women.
"Since I was 13 so 3 years." I said anxiously.
I told the police women the rest of the details about my father and where he lives. She said that they will sending out police to arrest my dad on child abuse immediately. We walked out of the police station and got in Tanners car and just sat there.
"Where are you gonna stay?" Tanner asked.
"Um I don't know, I don't want to stay at my house because it brings back bad memories." I said trying to think where I could stay but I don't have any family that live near me.

The closes family near San Diego is my aunt Brenda and she lives in Las Vegas and she is weird, and she has a collection of microwaves.
"You can always stay at mine for as long as you need,"Tanner said generously.
I'm starting to have feelings for tanner, he has been so understanding and charming that if he got a girlfriend now I would be very jealous.

"Are you sure, I don't want to be in the way." I said.
"Im very sure,I would have to ask my mum but she is very understanding and she is very kind." Tanner said smiling.
"Thank you so much I will make it up to you," I said smiling and leaning across the car and giving tanner a huge hug. Tanner hugged me back and softy rubbed my back soothingly.

"Can we go to my house to pick my clothes and stuff up?The police should of arrested my dad by now." I said hopeful.
We drove to my house and I got out and tanner followed.
I walked in no sign of my alcoholic father he must of been arrested. Bottles of alcohol scattered everywhere some broken on the floor. I walked up stairs; tanner followed.
Under my bed was my suitcase, i pulled it up on my bed and opened it.
I opened my draws and gathered all my clothes,shoes,underwear and my phone and laptop and their chargers. And tried to fit it in my small suitcase.
"Tanner can you help me close my suitcase pleases!" I shouted to him because he was in the bathroom.
"Sure!" Tanner shouted back while running from the bathroom to Ava's bedroom.
Tanner came running in and helped me close the suitcase. I sat on it while Tanner forcefully tried to close it and succeeded.
Tanner grabbed my heavy case and carried it down stairs and into the trunk. I climbed into Tanners car after about 25 seconds, Tanner got in as well.

"I'm hungry are you?" Tanner said laughing.
"Tanner we ate like 2 hours ago."I said laughing at Tanners greedy appetite.
"I know but I really want a taco 🌮!"said tanner moaning like a child who's not aloud sweets.
"Okay Taco Bell here we come!" I said laughing with tanner.
We drove all the way to Taco Bell which is 30 minutes in San Diego traffic for Tanners greedy appetite.
I ordered a grilled steak soft taco and tanner got a double decker taco. We sat down and enjoyed our delicious tacos.
"Once again thank you SO much for letting me stay with you!" I said really great full.
"No problem you can stay with us for as long as you like." Tanner said giving me a side hug which gave me butterflies for a weird reason.
We left Taco Bell and drove to Tanners house.

We walked to the front door and walked in.
"Mom I'm home."tanner shouted and a little women came walking out from a room.
"Hi tanner, is this the girl you have been non stop talking about for 2 days,"Tanners mom said laughing.
"Mom shut up." Tanner said embarrassed.
"Hi I'm Ava," I said holding my hand out to shake hers but surprisingly Tanners mom pulled me into a hug.
"Hi Ava call me Racheal (idk his mums name)." Said Racheal giving me a smile.
"I was wondering if Ava could stay in the spare room until she found a place to permanently live at because her dad has been arrested for abusing her." Said tanner.
"YES of course you poor thing, you can stay here as long as you want." Tanners mom said hugging me again.
"Thank you," I said giving a Racheal smile.
"Do you guys mind if I go to bed now, I'm really tired from every thing has been happening at the minute." I said yawning.
"No not at all you go to bed sweetheart." Racheal said smiling.
"See you tomorrow," tanner said smiling and giving me a hug which again gave me butterflies.
"Bye," I said smiling and tanner showed me the way to the spare room which is mine for the time being. I got right into bed and fell asleep straight away.

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