†Chapter 2 [ I z a b e l l e ]

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Everything was moving so slowly; it was like the world was stopping right before my eyes. There were silent tears that seemed to endlessly pour over my cheeks, and into Emma's hair as I held her shaking body next to me.

We sat on the bed as the other girls changed as quickly as they could, and finally my mind grasped what was really happening. This was the zombie apocalypse; the thing that had become the newest obsession in American culture was actually happening.

The faces of everyone I love flashed before my eyes. My mother, sisters, and all my closest friends were going to die and there was absolutely nothing I could do.

I was in a hopeless situation with people I hardly knew. My brother and Emma were the only ones I really loved, and I was going to try my hardest to protect; even though deep down I knew I couldn't protect anyone. Not even myself.

It hurt to breath suddenly, and Heather's face appeared before mine as I continued to inhale quick sharp breaths. I could see her lips moving, but I couldn't hear anything she was saying. I couldn't hear anything at all except for this buzzing sound in my ear. My vision started to go black, but before it could completely go dark Jackie forced her inhaler into my mouth, and made me breath in the drug causing my senses to slowly return to me.

"Are you okay? Izabelle speak to me right now." Jackie said holding my chin in her hand, forcing me to look at her.

I nodded my head slowly in response before choking out "Y-yeah. I'm fine."

There was a loud knock on the door, and then Josh's trembling voice came from the other side of the door saying "A-Alex wants whoever is done changing to come to the l-living room right now."

I grabbed a hold of Emma's hand quietly asking her if she was ready to go. She glanced up at me with tear stained cheeks before mumbling a quiet yes.

We sat there for a few more minutes, and when she had finally stopped shaking so bad, and both our tears had ceased we got up off the bed, heading for the door. She stumbled a bit when she first got up, but recomposed herself before saying "Alright, um, let's go."

We opened the bedroom door to find that Josh was no longer there, so we walked the hallway by ourselves. I could hear the boys talking in the living room, but when we walked in they all stopped talking and stared at us.

"Leigh, take the girls to get something to eat. Little Kyle you go with them too, and don't come back until we tell you to." Alex commanded to is and the two youngest boys in our group.

We walked the small distance to the kitchen together in silence; Emma and I never letting go of each other's hands. The boys walked in front of us, and Leigh pulled us both chairs out as Little Kyle starting going through all the cabinets.

He eventually pulled out four bowls and spoons, and got us all some cereal. We all quietly ate our food together, and listened as everyone gathered in the living room; silently arguing with one another about what to do.

I was staring down into my now empty bowl of cereal when I heard a sniffle from across the counter. I looked up to see tears rolling off Little Kyle's face, but before I could say anything Leigh patted him on the back and said "Hey, its going to be okay. Alex is going to figure out what to do, and we're going to be fine."

The silence between the four of us returned for a few minutes before we were all called back into the living room. Everybody was standing in a circle, and when we entered the room Naomi and Olivia moved aside, so we could join them.

"Alright. Everybody listen up none of you are going to panic or argue. From now what I say goes because I am still your captain. I'm sure you are all frightened and are worried about your families, but this is no longer about them. We need to focus on surviving right now, and to do that you need to listen." Alex said looking at all of us before continuing with his little speech.

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