†Chapter 4 [ E m m a ]

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So there I was staring out the window, and praying to a God I wasn't sure I even believed in. I asked Him the same questions over and over again. What happened to my family? What happened to my little brother?

I couldn't stop thinking about that, but I knew that I was never going to see them again. Alex said that we were a family now, and that worrying about my old family wasn't going to save them. It had only been two days since the apocalypse hit, and I'd already been scared for life.

I thought I knew what fucked up meant, but until now I didn't know the real meaning. Izabelle and I had always been a pile of depression and anxiety. This was different though; my old problems looked like something to laugh at now. I don't even know how to really feel about this; it doesn't seem like a real thing. Its like I'm in a nightmare, but for some reason I'm not waking up and going back to the realm of the easy life I use to live.

Izabelle fidgeting beside me brought me out of my thoughts. She was awaking from the first thirty or so minutes of sleep she had gotten in the past two days. I hadn't gotten any sleep, and neither had any of the others in our vehicle. Alex has had his eyes staring blankly at the rode, and nobody spoke except for when we had to talk on the phone or when Alex gave orders.

The drive had been long, and boring. Izabelle spent most of her time staring at pictures of her family and friends on her phone. We never spoke or were spoken to by the others in our car except for Matthew every once in a while.

The tears had stopped pouring from my eyes days ago. It was like I had run out, and now they were dry and itchy. I was worn out, but sleep seemed like a silly thing to be doing in a time like this.

"Alexa, dial the others for me." Alex demanded, his voice hoarse from not talking for so long. She picked up the phone that was charging in the cigarette sparker part of the car before dialing all the numbers in a multiple way call.

"Hello." everyone answered at once on their ends of the phone.

"I know we avoided going through big cities in the other states, but we cant avoid some of the larger cities here. We are nearing Philadelphia, and we have to go through it. Everyone keep your wits about you, and don't stop for anything." Alex stated with his eyes still locked straight ahead of him.

"Alex, how the fuck are we supposed to keep our wits about us." Nate questioned into Josh's phone before continuing to rant "Josh can barley his eyes open, and I doubt anyone else has gotten sleep either. We cant stay safe if we can't even function properly."

"I realize everyone is tired, but were the hell are we supposed to stop? All the places we have passed through are infested with zombies that poured in from the larger cities. We can't stop to sleep if it isn't safe." Alex replied with a tone of authority littering his every word.

"There is a small town about an hour away from here. It isn't surrounded by big cities. There is a motel at the south part of the town. We could check it out, and take turns doing watch. We all need sleep, Alex." I heard Dustin say, his voice slightly muffled since he was in the back seat of Josh's car so he was far from the phone.

"If its safe then maybe, but we aren't making the mistake of shooting off our guns again." He replied as he met Matthew's I-told-you-so stare then continuing, "Alright everyone you know the drill; stay as close to me as you can. Once we get out of the city call me back Josh, so Dustin can give me the directions to the motel."

Everyone hung up their phones, as we entered the city.

I looked out the window as we passed the first zombie. I felt my muscles tighten up as my heart began to race faster. Nothing scared me more than going through the big cities, and looking past the panicked faces of everyone screaming.

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