†Chapter 7 [ I z a b e l l e ]

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It had been almost a week since the zombie apocalypse started. We had almost reached Florida, and Big Kyle explained to us that it was taking us much longer to get to there because we were stopping so much, and we had to take the long route to avoid danger areas.

So here we all were camped out in front of some shitty motel in yet another run down town. Everyone was outside talking with each other, and soaking up the warmth of the sun that we hadn't seen in so long.

I looked around at the happy faces of my comrades and smiled. It seems like forever ago since we had a normal day. Loosing Alexa had made us realize just how serious this all was, and it was definitely taking its toll on Alex.

I looked over to our old captain, and watched him as he sat by himself on the back of one of the pick ups. He leaned his head back, closing his eyes, and letting the suns radiating glow fall upon his face. Alex was always my favorite when it came to my brothers friends. Everything that boy did made my stomach burst with an anarchy of butterflies.

I started to walk over to him just to ask if he was okay when I heard the familiar moans of zombies. I looked around to see dozens of the creepy fucks closing in around us.

The sky suddenly wasn't so clear, and I started screaming for everyone to run but if was like none of them heard me. I ran towards Alex, shaking his arm, and yelling for him to do something. He didn't even flinch or open his eyes; he was just acting like I wasn't even there.

I turned to scream to my brother, but I was met by the site of blood gushing from a bite wound on his chest. I dashed over to him, kneeling beside my only real family left, trying franticly to stop the bleeding while screaming as loudly as I could for Naomi to bring me the medical supplies.

"Please, bubby, don't die on me! You're all I have left to live for!" I begged him as the tears rolled off my face.

The life vanished from his eyes like the helpless echoes of my screams sounded as I watched and could do nothing.

I stood and turned to yell again for the medical supplies; only to fall to my knees again as my eyes laid upon a horrific scene.

There was blood everywhere, and so many zombies I couldn't even count them. Every single one of my friends that had moments ago been smiling and laughing were now being mauled by zombies. All there eyes had blank lifeless stares as the creatures chomped away at them.

I stood up and began screaming "Get off them! Get off! Go the fuck away!"

I ran towards my friends trying desperately to save them and all the while I never stopped screaming. I looked around, and saw that all everyone I had was now gone.

I was alone.

"Izabelle! Izabelle, its okay!" I heard a far off voice speaking to me.

My eyes burst open from as I felt someone shaking me. My eyes adjusted to the light in the car before they took in Emma's panicked face.

"Whats wrong with her?" My brother's worried voice sounds from the front section of the car.

"I think she was just having a nightmare." Brendan stated while Emma wrapped her arms around me and we both began to cry.

"You were s-screaming so load. You wouldn't wake up; not matter what we did. You just kept screaming, and it scared me." Emma sobbed as she pulled me tighter into her embrace.

"Everybody was dead. I couldn't do anything." I stated as the vision of everyone's lifeless bodies flashed through my mind.

"Hey, girls, its okay. Shhh. Everyone is safe." Brendan cooed to us in an attempt to make us feel better.

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