Meet the Manly Man

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Where's The Last?

You see another group while following Sniper beside him. They're talking and clearly haven't noticed you two approaching. You quickly took the time to analyse them. One guy looks like a builder, and wears overalls with a yellow hard hat and goggles. Another guy looks posh and he is holding a glass of wine in between his fingers. He is wearing a dark blue suit with light blue stripes down them. He is also wearing a dark blue balaclava over his head, with holes at his mouth and eyes. He has a light cigarette on the side of his mouth. Another guy has dark skin, he is wearing a big sombrero, which made you giggle. He is holding a bottle of vodka... This will be good, you thought.
'Oi, mates!' Sniper called out to them. They stopped their conversation and looked over to you two. Sniper and you stopped in front of them and they analysed you, some of them smiling. You looked beside you at Sniper whom was just smiling.
'This is Selena, mates. The new team member.' Sniper said. The man who is actually a little shorter than you, who wore goggles and a yellow hard hat, that covers half of his goggles, walked up to you.
'Hi little lady, my name is Engineer.' He said in a Texan accent. You were sure it was Texan. He said it shyly and shook your hand. He must be that "Engie" Sniper once mentioned. You smiled.
'Nice to meet you, Engie.' He smiled and blushes at the nickname you called him.
'You too, darlin'. He said lowering his head smiling as his cheeks were a little flared. You smiled and saw that the next guy was walking to you. He was the posh looking guy. Engie notices and steps back shyly.
'Hello.' He said with a stern face, with a clear French accent. 'My name is Spy.' He said grabbing your hand gently, raising it, and softly placing a kiss on the back.
'Pleasure to meet you, Spy.' You said a little shyly. He placed your hand back down and stepped away. Still with that same stern look, resting his hands behind his back, standing upright. The next guy that is wearing the sombrero just waved from where he was with the hand not holding the bottle of vodka.
'Hello! Selena! I'm Demoman! Great to meet ya!' He said in a rough Scottish accent. But his voice sounded... slurred. You think he's been drinking too much. You wave and smile holding back a chuckle watching him try to stand up straight. But you got startled by a muffled voice from a few steps away.
'Hmph, hmph!' The person calls out running towards the group. It is wearing a big flame retardant suit, which made you think... That must be Pyro... The person no one knows what gender it has. It was puffed when it got to them, bending over to get air. It must be pretty hot under that suit, you thought. It stands up, sees you and waves with confidence in the big wave. Clearly knowing who you are already, probably by hearing someone from the company saying things about the new member. You smile and wave back as you watch it walk towards you, obviously not showing any caution, but having bravery. It shakes your hand using both of its hands, and you laugh kindly at its casual bravery in meeting a new team member. He pats your back and throws a thumbs up, as it turns and joins the others who are talking to each other. You smile and laugh again, looking beside you at Sniper. Who was already looking at you, smiling.
'Now, there's only one more person... But where is he?' Sniper asks as he looks around confused. You think of the flyer and who you haven't met yet.
'You mean Soldier?' You ask trying to get him to look at you. He turns his head to you and smiled.
'Yes... But I'm not quite sure where he is.' Sniper replies looking slightly down at you, into your eyes.
'Then let's go look, Snipe.' He smiles at the nickname. And leads you into a random direction away from the groups talking to each other. You and Sniper walked around in silence for a couple of minutes, it was starting to get dark until Sniper and you heard a gunshot. You jumped a little in fright. But Sniper didn't, because he's use to loud noises from being on the battlefield for years. He looks at you, then pokes his head around the corner of a small shed slowly. You stay behind as you watch him, wanting him to tell you what's happening.

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