Now That's a Tease, Anna

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[The Next Day]
You awoke slowly and stretched. You notice Medic is already out of bed. You get up and put on some new clothes, though you wore the same type of thing every day. You brushed your hair and put it up into a bun. Just like you've done every morning. You step out the door after pocketing your two guns, the one from Sniper, and the one from that enemy Spy. Which reminded you of doing something this morning. You headed down the hallway to the lunch area to get some breakfast. Everyone was already there and some didn't finish their breakfast yet. You saw a spot open in between Pyro and Spy, and you took it. You picked up a tray of one sandvich, which is the breakfast every morning. (The sandvich does have everything essential on it, so it's ok). You walked over to the big table and sat in the spare seat. Placing your tray on the table, you notice Spy has already finished his breakfast and he's reading the newspaper. He has one leg over the other and sitting upright.
'Good morning, Spy.' You said smiling casually.
'Good morning mon ami.' He replies not looking up from the paper, he turns the page.
'So... How did you sleep last night?' You ask trying to hold back laughter. Spy's attention goes directly to that question.
'It was fine...' His French accent cracked, and he lifts his paper obviously trying to hide that blush. You can't help but smile heaps really trying to hold back that laugh. You decided you tortured him enough and you turn to the other side to talk to Pyro. Then you realised he was already talking to Engie. Wait... All Pyro makes when he's talking is muffling sounds, so how the heck does Engie know what he's saying?
'Excuse me, Engie?' You say pausing their conversation. Pyro makes a thumbs up and continues eating.
'What is it, darlin?' Dell asks smiling.
'Not to sound rude or anything, but how do you understand Pyro?' You ask leaning back behind Pyro. Dell leans back too and smiles.
'Not rude at all, I've just gotten used to how he talks, darlin. After a while you can kind of understand what he's sayin.' Dell replies.
'Wait, you know Pyro is a guy?!' You ask a little surprised.
'Oh, I don't actually know, I just assumed by his height, and the way he acts.' Dell says shrugging. You nod your head and sit back upright, so does Dell. They then continue their conversation as before. You finish eating your breakfast and you turn to Spy. Only to notice he's not there anymore. Maybe you scared him off. You look around the table and see Medic talking to Heavy, Demo talking to Sniper, Scout eating, and Soldier talking to... A bucket? Is he seriously talking to a bucket? Soldier grins and nudges the bucket while staring at it... I don't even wanna know what he does to that bucket. Getting off that topic, you get up and put your tray in the sink and rinse it. You grab Spy's tray and a few other finished ones and rinse them in the sink also. You then walk around the table, and when you pass Medic you softly trace his shoulder, he looks up and smiles at you playfully. You smile back and walk over to Sniper.
'Excuse me, Snipe?' Demo stops talking to Sniper, smiles at you, then takes a sip of his vodka.
'What's happenin, hon?' Sniper asks you smiling. Fairly quiet talking is heard in the background.
'I just wanted to ask you something, how did you sleep last night?' Sniper pauses for a second, smiles while blushing slightly, then looks away.
'It was fine...' His Aussie accent cracked just as Spy's did before.
'Ok, see ya!' You turn, walking away and smiled. You walked down to the main hallway where the bedrooms are and went into your room. You oddly felt strange when you walked in. You close the door and notice something on your bed. It's a note, and written in cursive is: "If you know something, don't you tell anyone. Otherwise there will be drastic measures dealt with". You shrugged and smiled. Then you placed the note in your pocket and walked to Spy's room. Spy is seated on a comfy chair and smoking. You open the door without knocking and show him the note smiling. Spy looks up at you and the note.
'You DO understand what that note means, noh?' Spy asked looking serious as usual.
'Absolutely.' You said casually.
'Then there is no reason for you to be in here having this discussion.' Spy said looking at you with a brow raised. 'Do you know something?' He asked which sounded more like stating.
'No.' You said. Spy got up and started slowly walking over to you.
'Really?' He asked.
'No.' You replied. Spy stopped as if he felt confused as to you smiling the whole time.
'What is with you?' Spy asked.
'Nothing. Just... Nothing.' You said trying to tease him.
'Oh, come on. I'm not stupid, I detect sarcasm like a sentry detects enemies.' Spy said trying to get his point across.
'I understand if you want to keep your homo relationship a secret.' You said respecting his choice. Spy blushed, and kept a serious face.
'I understand if you're trying to push my buttons, Selena.' Spy retorted.
'Look, I'm not trying to-'
'Hello, there handsome!' Sniper said at the door holding a bottle of wine. Spy and you threw your heads to him. Sniper widened his eyes once figuring out you were there, he blushed. Spy went red and face-palmed, hiding his face. There is a long awkward pause.
'I'll... Come back later, love.' Sniper finally said running off down the hallway.
'See you later, mon amour...' Spy said quietly, keeping his face hidden. Then he looked up at you, his face looking like Pyro set him ablaze. 'You will tell no one of this.' Spy said not braking eye contact.
'Of course, I absolutely respect all love between any gender.' You said smiling, tapping his shoulder reassuringly and leaving out the door.

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