Nice Ending, Nice Beginning

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Road Trip

Well, I guess you're going on a road trip. Administrator wants all the mercenaries to be relocated to another battle place. Today your team is going, and tomorrow the Red team is being transported. It's uncertain, but the day after that there will be another battle for the Intel. You feel a little nervous as you're standing in your room unsure of what to pack. You decide to pack everything you brought with you on your first visit to Teufort. You grab the bag and sit on your bed. You're really going to miss this place. You've only just gotten used to the battlefield and all its shortcuts, though you are terrible with direction.  Apparently as you've heard Miss Pauling, the Administrator's assistant,  is going to be the person driving the bus to the new place. You haven't really gotten a chance to meet or know her yet. So you decided to fix that right now. You get off your bed and walk to the door. But once you open the door you immediately run into someone tall and strong.
'Oops, sorry.' You say trying to walk past, but the man grabbed your arms gently. You look up at the man and it is surprisingly Medic.
'Hallo, Fraüline.' Medic purred leaning into your ear. You giggle and try backing your head away.
'Have you packed yet?' You ask smiling heaps at him.
'Ja. Vould you like to be my partner in ze bus?' Medic asked cheerfully with that big smile.
'Ab-solutely.' You said with a small pause, you wink at him. He grins and leans for a passionate kiss. But soon it was cut off by Scout walking down the hall.
'Lol!' He said aloud as he stopped next to Medic and you. You two stop and Medic looks at Scout, annoyed.
'Have you packed, Scout?' Medic asked making a "go away" look at Scout, it was so funny.
'Nope.' Scout said smiling and looking at you.
'Zhen run along now.' Medic said politely but impatiently.
'Whatevs.' Scout said before walking off down the hallway like he owns it. Medic waits until Scout's gone into his room, before looking back into your eyes. You stare deeply into his. Medic leans in again but is stopped by a voice.
'Cut it, maggots!' Soldier screamed from down the hallway. You both look at him abruptly and surprised. Soldier stomps proudly over to you both and stops to give you the loser sign, as if it was a fake salute.
'Vhat is it, Soldier?' Medic asked almost losing it.
'Have you two packed?' Soldier asked with his gravely voice. You were about to answer when just down the hallway you guys see and hear Spy and Sniper stumble out of Spy's room all messy. Spy tries to straighten himself up but Sniper is all over him.
'Wow.' Sniper said panting at Spy. Spy grins and kisses Sniper deeply and full of lust. You look at Medic and he's covering his sight with his hand. But the thing that disturbed and made you laugh at the same time, was when you saw Soldier staring at them and smiling. More of a surprised grin. Soldier walked over to Spy and Sniper and asked Spy something.
'Have you two packed yet?' He asks. Spy clears his voice.
'We didn't have the time before... But we're going to do that now.' Spy straightened his tie and rushed to his room. Sniper blushed and rushed to his room across from yours. Soldier nods to himself before stomping off to his room. There is a moments pause as Medic and you are staring into each other's eyes. Medic closes his eyes and leans in slowly, but you put your finger up to his lips. He opens his pouty eyes with confusion.
'Let's take this in my room...' You purr into him. Medic grins and you two rush in excited and ecstatic with love.
[A Few Hours Later]
The call from Administrator was heard as Medic had his arms around you in bed, feeling his soft skin and smiling at each other.
'All mercenaries report to the front entrance of Teufort. We are about to be relocated. Make sure you have everything. Note that Miss Pauling will be collecting our briefcase for the trip.' After the call from the loudspeaker, Medic and you get up and get dressed. You grab your bag and Medic walks over to you.
'I vill get my bag from my room, and I'll meet you at ze front gates, honey.' He said sweetly as he lifted your chin. You smiled.
'Okay, Doctor.' You put a little charm into the last word. Medic purrs and lifts his hand like a cat. You giggle and blow him a kiss as he leaves. Medic winks and shuts you door. You grin and feel your insides tremble. Even though he's a few years older than you, Medic is the type of guy that you really like. He's sweet, a gentleman, sophisticated, and at times a heartthrob. While you were thinking about Medic, you hadn't been ready for the sudden bursting of a white dove flying out of your bag and out the door. You catch your breath as it startled you. You had forgotten about Archimedes.
Ready and waiting at the front gates with all the nine mercenaries, and three others which included: Miss Pauling, Admin, and Saxton Hale. The one you found out who is in charge of everyone, even Admin.
'Alright gentlemen, line up in orderly fashion to enter the bus.' Miss Pauling spoke aloud after you assume she whispered an approval from Admin. Everyone lined up, starting with Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demo, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Sniper, Spy, and lastly you. One last goodbye to this place and everyone got into the bus. You sat next to Medic as you said you would, and started to feel very excited. You feel Medic start to kiss you on the neck playfully. You whimper away with a huge smile and look at him. He's giving you a cheeky grin, more cute than sexy.
'Yo, Selena.' You hear Scout say on the seat next to you, across the walkway. You pat Medic on the arm and he nods with a smile, then turns and faces the window looking excited himself.
'What's up, Scout?' You ask casually smiling.
'You are doin' real good out there. Ya know, wit the fightin' and shootin' the other team.' Scout said with that smug smile he always has.
'Thanks, bud. I'm trying my best.' You say kindly to the young man.
'So... You and me, in the bathroom, just this once, what'd ya say?' Scout says before giving you a wink. You hit his shoulder playfully but giving him an "obvious" no, you smile and make your point clear. You turn back to Medic and Scout continues his conversation with Heavy. You lean into his ear.
'This is going to be a great trip.' You whisper. Medic turns to you and smiles with that adorable face. You snuggle into him and he curls his arms around you in a warm embrace. Both smiling and listening to the chatting in the background with the slightly bumpy ground on the wheels.

The End, thank you for reading.

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