Chapter Seven

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It had been a long time since my witch side had been triggered. I had been a teen, I caught my boyfriend of the time cheating on me with his ex-girlfriend. The smell of burnt hair still caused a wicked grin to spread across my face all these years later.

Driving back to the Valley I felt completely out of control. I pulled off the 405 and decided to head to the beach instead. Santa Monica was a place I had always felt at peace when I was a kid. It had been years since I had been there but as soon as I arrived, I knew I was home.

The city of Venice would be the place I would live if I had a choice. I loved Venice Beach. I parked my car on Driftwood Street and walked out to the hot sand.

Since it wasn't Summer yet, it was basically empty. I kicked my shoes off and stepped onto the scorching sand. I hopped my way to the deserted lifeguard tower- cursing all the beach gods for making the sand burn the shit out of the bottom of my feet.

It was comforting to just sit up in the shade of the tower and watch the waves. A couple walking their Lab went by, they looked happy and a part of me felt like I needed that too. But I pushed the thought away. It had been five years since I had been in a serious relationship. I might've married the bastard, but I was seriously glad I hadn't. He had turned out to be a cheating bastard- cheating with my best friend (don't even think of mentioning the reoccurring theme, someone might just get it). Needless to say, they were both not in my life anymore.

The waves were like life, in constant change but adapting to the things around them. I felt really connected to them. I sighed. I wasn't sure where I wanted my life to go.

My phone buzzed, bringing me back to the present. It was a blocked number.

“Hello?” My voice sounded exasperated.

“Kat.” His voice sent shivers down my spine.

“It's a bit early, isn't it, Andrew?” I smiled.

“What were you thinking going up there alone?” His annoyance was clear.

“I'm a big girl, Andrew. I wear big girl pants and everything.” I hated being told I couldn't do something.

“Yes, I realize that, but the Valley isn't a playground. It is dangerous. Especially for those that go poking around where they don't belong.” He huffed.

“I never said it was a playground. I didn't poke anything, I leave that to those with the proper parts. Have you been to that woman's house before?” I had to know that someone else had experienced the insanity that I had.

“Yes, it's a bit on the strange side, even for my tastes.” He was distracted.

“And that's coming from a vampire that basically owns a sex club with his own private sex dungeon.” I laughed.

“It's at the top, so it's not a dungeon. But I see your point. Did you meet Steven or whatever his name is?” It was like we were sharing secrets.

“Yes, and some poor girl.” I cringed at the thought of it all.

“She has interesting tastes. It's never good to drop in on her. I was hoping to spare you that little issue. Who else are you planning on seeing before you are supposed to meet with me in two days?” He sounded resigned.

“Well, I've talked with you and her. I'm going to wait to talk to Selena. I figured I'd check in with the local witches, see if they've seen or heard anything.” I wasn't sure there was much more I could do.

“I'm glad that you're smart enough to wait on Selena. You won't be going to see Boris, or Jaz?” He sounded curious.

“Who are they?” I didn't recognize the names and had no Intel on any other groups in the area.

“Boris is the current leader of the goblins, and Jaz rules the trolls. If it's murder you are after, they would've been my first choice.” His chuckle was dark.

“Goblins and trolls? I'm supposed to believe I've missed entire groups of beings in all the years that I've been a part of the paranormal world?” I snorted thinking about how he didn't know that I was born into it.

“They do not run with the witches or wolves. They stick mainly to themselves, when they must interact with the outside world, it is through us vamps.” He laughed.

“And you'd take me to speak with Boris and Jaz?” I knew there was something not right about this.

“Yes, I told you I would.” Andrew's voice sounded off.

“What's the catch?” I knew this game too well.

“Have dinner with me.” It wasn't a question.

“You'd bribe me out of dinner to be able to meet with creatures I'm not even sure exist?” It felt like a trap, a well played trap.

“Yes.” Plain and simple.

“Fine,” I sighed, “when?”


“You told me to stay away until after the full moon. I know that the moon effects you guys too.” I was not going to be his late night snack, although if I got to see his sexy body I might risk it.

“Fine, the night I take you to see Selena. We'll eat before we go.” He countered.

“Okay.” I shook my head.

“Excellent. I will let you go now. Have a nice day, Kat.” He hung up before I could say anything.

“Dammit, I've broken one of the rules.” I stared out at the sea and thought about how much trouble I was going to get into for agreeing to have dinner with him.

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