Chapter Twelve

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The restaurant overlooked the ocean. Looking at the sea I finally started to feel a little calmer. We had ordered our drinks- I had gone for a rum and coke again, light on the rum. Menus had been placed in front of us, but I knew what I wanted already. It was the same thing I always ordered, some sushi and teriyaki steak. John read the menu.

This was the first time I was able to sit back and actually study him. Shit, it was the first time outside of work we had done anything.

He was quite handsome. Besides his height, John had short cropped brown hair- a kind of chestnutty color. His eyes were a hazel green and he had sharp features. I knew just how fit his body was because I had seen him working out shirtless once. I felt myself flush at the memory.

“I like this place. How'd you know about it?” He asked as he set down his menu.

“I thought you guys knew my background?” I countered.

“The file on you is just as thick as it is for the rest of the teams, Kat. I've not read it all. I was allowed to read about your supe side and the recorded happenings that surround it.” He sighed.

“I'm sorry, John. I just feel blindsided by it all and like a complete and total idiot for not seeing it.” I stared out over Venice Beach.

“I think the reason you haven't noticed before is because Harkins has managed to keep it all from you. You only met one werewolf, you've not really met any of the other supe teams, he's worked it so you've only seen the humans. We are the only witch-like team. There are two wolves, one ghoul, there's a vamp team that works the streets. Basically, if you can think it up then we have a paired team of them.” His hazel eyes looked at me with understanding.

“But I don't understand why. Why would something that is obviously so important to the agency be kept from a person that is part of it? And why have you guys let me think that I was actually important? I'm obviously nothing special.” I snorted in disgust.

“Kat, don't sell yourself short. You are important. You're the only member of any of the teams that was involved with several aspects of the supernatural world while being brought up in the human world. What I don't get is why you would hang out with vampires if you were raised in a witch family?”His question hung between us.

“Well, I might've been born into a 'witch' family, but that doesn't mean anyone acknowledged the gift. I had 'accidents' and got in trouble. My mother thought it was a curse. But enough about me, what about you?” I settled myself against the glass that surrounded the patio.

“Wow, Kat. That really blows. I'm sorry that you had to grow up in such a place. Me? I grew up in a traditional witch household. But I didn't want to go into the family business. Instead I started working toward get into law enforcement. One thing led to another and I ended up being drifted into P.N.I.” He shrugged like it was the most logical thing.

“Yeah, about that title... who came up with P.N.I? They should be shot. I mean, seriously? If you don't say each letter and run it together like a word, it's called 'p-ni'!” I snorted.

“I never thought of it like that.” He chuckled.

“Good thing you weren't in my interview. I almost bust a gut when I first heard it.” I laughed at the memory.

“And they still didn't change it.” He shook his head.

“John, what about these paired groups? Are we always paired a man and a woman?” I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat.

“Yep. Although we aren't supposed to have relations, it has happened in the past. I think they do it on purpose.” He took a sip of his beer.

The waiter came and took our orders, which were the house specialty of fish and chips. It was nice to just sit and enjoy his company and being so close to the place I loved.

“The pairings are also a way of creating a cover. They can always say that they're a couple.” He shrugged. “Why'd you pick this place?”

“Venice Beach is my favorite place. It's where I go to calm down. I guess it was just a normal thing for me to do when I'm upset. Do you like it?” I was nervous now- I had shared one of my secrets.

“I love it. This place has lots of excitement and the beach is right across the bike path! Wanna walk down to the water after we eat?” He grinned at me like a big kid.

“Sure. Like I said, this is my favorite place.” I smiled.

“Not Disneyland?” He cocked his brow at me.

“Nope. D-Land is the happiest place, but not my favorite place.” I loved Disneyland, but it couldn't compare to the memories I had at Venice Beach.

We ate in silence. I guess he was enjoying the atmosphere as much as I was. The weather was perfect- the evening was cool, and the ocean created a nice crashing wave background sound. My drank a few sips of my rum and coke and then switched to a regular coke. I was the driver for the evening anyways.

Once we were done, John insisted on paying. I walked him down the bike path, away from the main drag. The beach was pretty quiet and the world was peaceful.

“I can see why you love this place.” He smiled down at me.

“It isn't just the way it makes me feel, it's the memories too.” It was a bittersweet topic.

“What do you mean?” He offered me his hand as I bent to take my shoes off.

“Why, thank you.” I took his hand. “Well, I was born and raised in the SFV, 818 baby and all that jazz. But I spent a lot of my childhood and the beginning of my teens on this beach. At first it was with my sister's dad and his family. Then it was with my sister. When she died, this place became specialer.”

“Damn, Kat. I'm sorry. I didn't know.” His eyes looked sad.

“No sadness. This place holds all the good memories. When El Niño came through, they built these huge sand hills, and we'd race up them. I remember rolling down them with her. It makes me smile to think about it. Yeah, it made me sad in the beginning, but it's been years now and I've learn to treasure those memories.” I pulled him onto the sand.

“Wait a sec. Let me take these boots off. And thank you for sharing this with me.” He sat down on the sand.

“We work together, you should know me better than you do. I'm sorry I've kept my distance. I don't let people in easily.” I shrugged at him.

“I understand. Okay, lead the way.” He held his boots in one hand and I reached out and took his other.

“Come on.” I laughed pulling him down the beach.

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