Chapter Twenty-Five

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My door jerked open before I could pick up the keys I had noisily dropped.

“Oh my god, Kat, are you okay?” John pulled me into a bone breaking hug.

“Holy shit. What the fuck are you doing in my house?” I shoved him away as best I could with my throbbing ribs.

“I was still at the murder site when I heard about your attack. I had to finish up what I was doing and release the scene but when I was headed out there, they told me you had left already. I headed here as fast as I could. Are you alright?” His eyes were full of concern.

“Yes, I'm fine. The world has one less vampire rogue running around and I have a few cracked ribs until Agent Konkoers gets back from his assignment.” I stepped out of his reach, I did not like having my home invaded- especially after what I had just heard Andrew say.

He did say that, didn't he? My thoughts were a twisted snarling mess.

“You didn't answer me, why are you in my house?” My left eye twitched.

“You didn't answer when I knocked. I let myself in. Would you like me to help the healing?” He gestured to my ribs.

“No, thank you, John. I just want to go to bed. It's been an overly long day and I suspect tonight will be just as long. Now please let yourself out of my house.” I walked away and firmly shut my bedroom door.

Andrew could have warned me about John. Oh, wait, he was busy dropping the biggest bomb on me he could ever imagine. I threw my shoe at my bathroom door.

My front door closed with a final thud. I took off my other shoe and grabbed the baseball bat from behind my bedroom door.

The door slid open, silently. I inched out just to make sure that it was John leaving and not another creature out to get me. The pain radiating from my ribs told me to put the stupid bat down.

My house felt and sounded normal. I walked to the door and threw the latch. The bat tapped gently against the floor as I dragged it and myself back to the bedroom.

My bed called to me, I didn't even care that I had been attacked in it. Nope, I just wanted some damn rest. I didn't bother undressing, just slowly slipped in. The sheets were cool against my warm body.

“What the heck is wrong with the men in my life?” My thoughts circled John and Andrew. I had absolutely no clue what the hell I was going to do about them.

I wasn't fond of feeling so pulled to Andrew, and the thought of becoming a vampire was seriously scary. I have nothing against them, but for me to be one, I just didn't know. And then John, I was connected to him. I've worked with him, but I felt like he had just begun to open the door to a deeper relationship with me because he was worried about me being involved with a vampire.

I fell asleep thinking about Andrew's words... forever.

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