Chapter Thirty-Three

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Like hell I was just going to sit around and do nothing. I had my laptop brought in to me. I decided to do some research. I knew that my books at home would have the information that I was looking for, but I was hoping the net would help me out.

I went over to Google. The search bar sat happily waiting for me. I typed in the name that started my bloodline. Herlock. The computer hummed as bits of information were being processed.

I found a site that listed the lineage of it. I lucked out because it also listed several rival lines, one of which was the polar opposite. Turned out that John's family line came from that one. Ah, shit. I did not think that it was a good sign. I clicked around and found something else that caused me to pause.

The last name of 'Harkins' was also related to the line. The thought that my boss was the ultimate bad guy in this, freaked me out.

John's been taken out of the picture, Andrew was slipped onto the team... he was paired with me. We apparently are likely to bring down the Master. It's possible.

I looked at my phone. I needed to call Andrew. Not from that. I realized that anything that was work issued was very compromised. I picked up the room phone.

“Yes, will someone have Agent Black come see me?” I said to the person on the other line.

“He has gone home for the evening, Agent Purrowells. Would you like me to page him?” The woman said.


“Alright, I'll make sure that he knows that you're requesting to see him.”She hung up.

“Dammit.” I huffed out a breath. “Damn, damn, damn.”

I didn't want to think that I was part of a master plan to destroy the world. I mean, that's from cartoons, not real life.

There was a knock at the door.

“Come in.” I called.

“Agent Purrowells, it's time to do the transfusion.” Agent Konkoers said as he walked in.

“Agent Konkoers, how long have you been with P.N.I.?” I needed to start figuring out who I could trust and who I couldn't.

“Since before Director Harkins was brought on. The entire healer team is before his time. There are quite a few of us that pre-date him actually. Why?” He looked at me knowingly.

“Oh, just wondering. Do people often receive vampire blood transfusions?” I needed information.

“Typically it is not done. It can be done. But we usually don't. This case was special. I needed to make sure that there was no tainted blood or inside issues that could not be resolved.” He said cryptically.

I felt like he was letting me into the big secret.

“Is there tainted blood in the facility?” I cocked my head to the side.

“I believe so.” He said.

“Do you think it has something to do with bloodlines?”

“Yes. Interesting that you'd know that.” He slipped me a piece of paper as he checked my pulse.

“Will the transfusion take long or have any interesting side effects?” I didn't want anyone else to think our conversation off.

“For the entire process it will take about two hours. There are some side effects. You will have a closer bond with the vampire that donated the blood. He'll be able to sense if you are in danger, and even locate you if necessary. You'll share a slight link of emotions. It is something subtle.” Konkoers looked at me like I was being given a present.

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