The Family of Blood (Part 1)

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The Family of Blood

(Originally: 03x09, 'The Family of Blood'; aired June 2, 2007)

"Make your decision, Mr. Smith!" Jenny said.

"Perhaps if the human heartbreaks, the Time Lord will emerge," said Baines thoughtfully.

Neither of them noticed Latimer slowly, carefully pull the silver fob watch from his pocket.

Time Lord!

The Family all turned as one, looking wildly around as Latimer flicked open the watch, just for a moment. "It's him!" Baines shouted.

The moment of distraction was all Matt needed, twisting in Jenny's grip and wrestling the weapon from her grasp, turning the tables on the Hunters. "One move, just one move, and I'm going to be severely tempted to use this," he warned.

"Oh, the boy is full of fire," Baines said.

"And you're full of hot air," Matt snapped in return.

"Careful, Son of Mine," Clark warned Baines. "This is all for you, so that you can live forever."

"Shoot you down!" Baines said in return, glaring at Matt.

"I'll bring you down with me." He ignored the look Mallory was giving him, pulse pounding in his ears. He was beyond flight now—if it meant getting her out of here in one piece, he'd pick fight any day.

"Would you really pull the trigger?" Baines asked. "Looks too scared."

"Scared and holding a gun. You want to risk that combination?"

Baines glanced toward John, was trembling, eyes wide with fear. A long moment later, the Hunter lowered his gun and so did his father, who shoved Joan back toward the crowd.

"Doctor, Mallory, get everyone out," Matt said flatly.

"I'm not leaving you," she shot back.

"Yes, you are!"

"I get enough of that crap from the Doctor, I'm not going to take it from you!"

"Impossible woman," Matt muttered under his breath, before glancing back. "John, I mean you! Get out!"

It was Joan who finally spurred the room to action. "Do what he said, everyone out now." The crowd began to move at last and her voice could be heard over top. "Don't argue, Mr. Jackson, they're mad, that's all we need to know. Susan, Miss Cooper, outside, all of you!"

"Move yourself, boy," they heard John say to Latimer. "Back to the school, quickly."

"And you," Matt said once everyone else had gone. "Just get out of here."

"What about you?"

"I think you should escort your lady friend to safety," he responded, well aware of the irony in his tone as he glanced at Mallory out of the corner of his eye. At last John darted out the door, leaving just the two and the Family. "Mal..."

"Don't even start."

Matt swallowed hard, pushing Jenny away from him and backing toward Mallory. "Right. You try anything and he gets it," he said, gesturing at Baines.

Clark leveled his gun then, not at Matt but over his shoulder. "We could say the same to you."

Mallory's voice did not tremble in the slightest, despite the weapon squarely trained on her. "I'd like to see you try."

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