Chapter One

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As I sat there on the springs and sheets that created my bed braiding May's hair, she sung sweetly to her favorite lullabies.

"You know that if anyone hears you singing we will all get into serious trouble right?" May stopped singing for a moment to consider my words.

I hated being like this. Especially to my little sister who looks up at me. "But I like it anyway, and never would I let anyone do anything to you!" I stated hoping to cheer her up.

I secured the elastic at the end of her hair and put the braid over her shoulder so she was able to see her auburn hair shine under the rays of sun that crept in from the bedroom window. "Hazel," May began sounding rather unsure.

"When are mum and dad coming back?" She looked up at me with her big, blue eyes, no doubt hoping for a wise answer. But even my limits had to end somewhere, and as much as it hurt, it felt only right to tell her.

"I don't know. They've been gone for a few months now. But they'll be back before my birthday to take care of you." I stated, not exactly one hundred percent sure of the last part.

Not only did I say it for hope for May, but hope for me also that our parents really do care. "Are you scared?" She asked with real concern.

"About what?" I queried, tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear. She grasped the necklace that has been hung around my neck since birth and examined it closely.

It was half the shape of an infinity sign. Or so I'd been told anyway. "About this." She replied in a hushed tone. I looked down at her necklace. Like mine, hers was polished silver with a small gem down the bottom corner.

The only difference was the shapes. Whilst mine was half an infinity sign, May's was what looked like half of a capital A. "Sort of." I replied looking away into the distance.

Surprisingly, considering I had a little less than two months until my eighteenth birthday, I hadn't yet thought of what it was going to be like. Leaving May to find someone who was supposedly my soulmate and the risk I have to take.

I don't like to think of the fact that there is a time limit upon us because even considering death is something that drains the blood from my face in an instant. "I'll miss you!" She sobbed, hugging me around my waist.

"I'll miss you too!" I replied holding onto her. I hated this messed up world. We couldn't sing or dance. We couldn't laugh or play. We couldn't live this life that was given to us because of some made up rules that constricted our very own rights as human beings.

But obviously none if that mattered because if it had, Estova wouldn't have ruined this country. He wouldn't have sent innocent souls like myself and my sister to live in the lowest region, Zealk. He wouldn't have made it illegal to go where you want in your own country and he wouldn't have allowed our parents to go away for several months. "It's nearly dark May, you should probably get some sleep."

"Goodnight Hazel," she managed to say whilst yawning.
"Goodnight May," I replied tucking her in under the sheets of our bed. "Sweet dreams," I whispered as she began to fall into a deep slumber.

Once I was positive that she was sleeping, I quietly grabbed my old leather boots and a coat as I crept out of the front door of our house. Using the street lights to see my way through the dark, I managed to come across a wall of vines without getting caught out after curfew. Stumbling on several of the vines that were strewn at knee level, I found my way to a the wide open clearing that I was searching for. In the far distance, I saw him sitting there on a red tartan mat.

Upon the mat was a bouquet of purple petunias, what looked like bread and a single candle that lit up his front. A smile spread across his face as he saw me approaching. "Sorry I'm late!" I whispered as I approached Lincoln, embracing him in a hug. "It's been far too long my dear Hazel!" He scolded as he hugged me back.
"I saw you just last night!" I laughed.

"Ah yes! But it feels like much longer!" He replied. Lincoln entwined his fingers with my own and I joined him on our late night dinner date. "I was walking past the bakery this afternoon just after work and Mrs Cripps gave me four bread rolls! I gave two to my family and I saved two for us," he finished with a cheerful smile, exposing his pearly whites.

Mrs Cripps is the old lady who owns the bakery down the road from Lincoln's house. Most of the time, the only food we eat all week is the food Mrs Cripps gives us. "Lincoln, I don't know what to say!" I smiled back trying to contain my excitement. It had been days since May and I had anything to eat. "You don't have to say anything! Just eat!" Lincoln laughed giving me one of the rolls in the small cane basket. After taking the bread from Lincoln, I broke it into two and put one half in my pocket for May.

She will be beyond ecstatic when she sees this! Without wasting a second, I bit down on the fresh bread and enjoyed its flavor as it began to fill my stomach. After both Lincoln and I had finished eating, we lied down on our backs and admired the thousands of beautiful shining stars above us. The night was cool and slightly windy but it wasn't freezing. As we lay there thinking about nothing, a small whisper of wind came along and blew out the candle, leaving us only under the light of the moon.

Lincoln snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me close. "They say a certain darkness is needed to see the stars, but with you, it's not like that at all!" I let the words Lincoln said melt into my mind trying to understand the full meaning of what he said. We lay there watching the stars and enjoying each others company in complete bliss for what felt like a very short time. Time ticks on and hours rapidly pass by and then Lincoln and I come to the decision to leave this beautiful place. "I wish we didn't have to hide. I wish we could pick who we wanted to be with!" I complained.

"Same here Haze, and you know that if the choice was ours, I'd marry you in a heartbeat!" He replied. Small tears welled in my eyes at the complications of this life. "If only the love we needed was the love we wanted," Lincoln continued. He stood up and gathered his things before embracing me in a final hug and delicately kissing my forehead then, vanishing into the bushes on the far side of the meadow.

Having to accept that our moment was over, I picked up a single purple petunia that must have fallen out as he grabbed his belongings. I held onto the flower tightly and ever so slowly made my way home, making sure I wasn't caught out by the patrols. Quietly shutting the door, I took off my coat and boots and changed into comfier clothing before falling asleep beside May.

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