Chapter Three

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been really busy. Dedicated to jembear who helped edit this chapter. Enjoy xx

Chapter 3:

"Hazel, wake up! Mum and dad are coming home today!" May exclaimed as she pulled back the covers from me, exposing me to the icy temperatures that filled our house. She ran out of the bedroom and most likely into the living room to tidy up the already immaculate house. Yesterday I didn't leave the house at all, which is highly unlikely for myself. I slept in and when I awoke, I distracted myself with some sort of cleaning or duty that had to be attended to around the house. Fortunately May didn't question my abnormal behavior.

With a heavy sigh, I heaved myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Once I cleaned myself and got dressed, I joined May in the kitchen where she was making jam sandwiches with the left over bread from last night. "Mum and Dad will be hungry when they get home!" She informed me, explaining the sandwiches she was making. She sat them on a plate then placed them on the table in the living room. Looking rather pleased with her achievements, she smiled brightly admiring the room as though it was the first time she'd been here. "You excited May?" I asked with a laugh.

"Most definitely!" She replied gleaming with happiness.
"Come here, your bow's come undone." I retied the red bow in May's hair which coordinated with her party dress from last year. I hadn't realized until then that May was so dressed up so I decided to go back into our room and change into something nicer than pants and a worn shirt. Deciding upon an old yellow dress of mine, I returned to the living room just in time to see Mum and Dad walk in the door.

"Mum! Dad!" May practically yelled as she embraced them both in a humongous hug taking both of our parents by surprise.

"Hello May, Hello Hazel!" My mum replied as my dad smiled alongside her.

"I made some jam sandwiches!" May exclaimed excitedly.

"Wonderful! They're my favorite!" Dad bellowed as he picked May up and spun her around. "And how are you my dear Hazel?" My dad asked focussing his attention to me as mum went and put her bags away in their bedroom. "I am well, thank you." I replied nonchalantly. With a nod of his head, he took a seat on the lounge and began to eat a piece of one of the sandwiches.

"They're wonderful May! So how's school?" Whilst my dad and sister were conversing with each other, I decided to go and find my mum who was frantically putting away her clothes into her dresser. "In a hurry?" I asked jokingly. Shocked by my presence, my mum jumped letting out a small shriek. I laughed as I entered her room and hugged her.

"Hazel dear, you should know better than to scare an old lady!" She laughed again. She continued to unpack her belongings much slower as I helped her with her bag. "So, what's this news that's meant to surprise me?" I asked curious and nervous at the same time. My mum stopped working and looked up at me. For a moment I could have sworn that I saw a flash of sorrow or guilt in her eyes but it was dismissed just as quickly as it came.

"You'll find out soon enough! Here this is for you." She handed me a small paper bag and she walked out of the room, me right behind her. "Here you are May!" She handed May and identical bag to mine and we both proceeded to open them as she too grabbed something to eat. "It's so beautiful!" May sighed in awe. We were both given identical silver bracelet with our initial beaded on the front. "Thank you." I smiled to my parents.

They returned the smile and nodded before continuing to eat. I put the paper bag into the rubbish bin and I secured the bracelet around my left wrist allowing its shiny surface to gleam under the light of the sun that had come through the window. "Now Hazel, please sit. We need to tell you something that's very important!" My father stated kindly but sternly.

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