|| Prologue ||

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"HELP!" (Y/n) shot up from her bed, her heart racing as tears ran down her cheeks. She placed a hand over her heart as she tried to catch her breath however she couldn't forget her dream.

Not long after she awoke, three girls rushed into the room, two looked around while one held a lantern in the air. The tallest rushed over to (y/n)'s side, wrapping her arms around (Y/n) as she did the same, sniffing as she felt much safer in her eldest sister's arms.

Her other sisters walked over, the younger sitting on the end of the bed as the other stood close by, holding her lantern up for light.

"I-It was t-t-the same d-dream..." (Y/n) hiccuped, gripping the back of her sisters dress as if she'd disappear if she didn't hold her close enough.

"The same dream?" Her oldest sister, known as Azura, sighed, shaking her head," this is the third time this week...This isn't healthy..."

"Yeah and I'm tired of being woken up every single night because of this," the second oldest, Adara, hissed, rubbing her sleepily amber eyes as Azura glared at her.

"You never even tell us what the dreams about. Maybe if you do we can help you~" The third, Arika, suggested with a smile as (Y/n) sniffed, looking down as she recalled the horrible dream.

"It was about the darkness-" She began as Adara groaned.

"Aw come on! We're safe here, no one is going to hurt us," she rolled her eyes as (Y/n) looked to her.

"But I saw him! He was here and he took our powers away!" (Y/n) cried.

"He was sealed away-"

"How do you know the seal won't break?!" 

"I'm older than you-"

"That's no excuse!"

"Girls!" Azura glared at them both as Adara huffed as (Y/n) frowned. Azura then turned to (Y/n), setting a hand on her cheek as she smiled kindly at her,"...Akina...like Adara said we are safe here. The evil is sealed away and isn't coming back any time soon. You must trust us..."

"B-But my dreams! You said that sometimes we can have visions! What if this is a vision I'm having?" (Y/n) objected as Azura sighed.

"This is not a vision."

"You don't know that though."

"Listen to Azura, Akina. She knows this kind of stuff," Arika spoke once again, dipping her head as (Y/n) shook hers.

"You guys always doubt me...I'm your sister! I'm the same as you! And don't call me 'Akina'. My name is (Y/n)!" (Y/n) argued as all sisters sighed this time, tired of having the same arguments over and over again.

"You are young, you have yet to understand our ways," Azura whispered, not looking to (Y/n) as she spoke, facing the ground.

"He always said I was just as good as you guys...H-He never doubted me nor did he not believe in me...it was just the opposite," she whispered under her breath as all sisters looked up, Azura and Arika frowning.

"Ugh, your not going on about him again, are you? I don't get what you saw in him..." Adara rolled her eyes while she crossed her arms.

"...He treated me like something unlike you guys do...He loved me!" (Y/n) looked up to Adara with a glare.

"Ha! You think he loved you?" Adara smirked as Azura and Arika looked to her, Azura glaring a warning glare and Arika shaking her head as if saying 'don't do it, Adara'.

"He did!" (Y/n) stepped forward, standing tall as she looked her sister right in the eyes.

"If he loved you then why'd he lie to you, huh?" Adara snapped as (Y/n) frowned, her eyes wide.

"ADARA!" Azura stepped forward as Adara shook her head, laughing as if it was some joke.

"He told you he'd always stay with you and never leave you so you believed him! You even kept the damn name he gave you! You were always foolish to do so! Hylia gave you the name Akina, not (Y/n)," Adara contained.

(y/n) didn't say anything as she took deep breaths, thinking about what her sister said. Making a fist, she glared at Adara one last time before grabbing her golden harp off the bed-stand and running pass all three of her sisters, out of the room before they could stop her.

"Akina!!!" Azura yelled before turning and glaring at Adara," look what you've done now."

"Its true! The faster she learns not to trust people unlike us the better," the red-haired female turned her head to the sky as Azura shook hers.

"We have to go find her!" Arika went to chase after (Y/n) but Azura stopped her by putting a hand on her shoulder.

"(Y/n) wouldn't wish to speak to us. We'll give her some time to cool down before going to get her...we just got to wait a bit," Arika hesitated before nodding, looking to the ground as tears formed in her blue eyes eyes.

"That was very rude of you, Adara. W-We all know she loved him and it hurts to lose someone you love. You should have never brought it up to begin with..." she whispered, turning and marching off as Adara clicked her tongue.

"She wouldn't have been hurt if she would have listened to us in the first place..." Adara hissed under her breath as she followed Arika out of the room.

Azura shook her head at her younger sisters, walking to the door way before looking back into the room, frowning," Akina-(Y/n) will come back soon and we'll tell her how sorry we are then..."

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