|| Chapter 5 || Go Into Hiding...?

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(No One's P.O.V)

Link followed quietly after (Y/n) as she lead him through even the deepest parts of the forest in a hurry. The chosen hero didn't question her own where she was really going as she seemed to know quite well. 

"So what are your sisters like?" Link asked, trying to start some kind of conversation with the girl as she ducked under one of the low hanging branches and looked around. 

"Hm...Azura is very calm but wise. She always knows what to do no matter how hard things get. Arika is outgoing and always looks on the bright side of things. She never fails to make any one laugh~" (Y/n) then frowned, looking to the side," then there's Adara...she's...a little on the cranky side. She likes to be right even when she's wrong. But I guess she can sometimes be nice when she listens."

Link nodded, humming. (Y/n) jumped over a falling tree, pointing in front of her," this way! This is the way to our home!"

Link smiled, following close behind as he looked around the forest area," its a really nice place, the Surface I mean. Nothing like back in Skyloft."

"What's Skyloft like?" (Y/n) questioned as Link looked up at the sky, thinking of his own home.

"Its pretty much just an island in the sky. There's grass, trees, water...just not as much of it as there is here. I have to say, I like this place a lot better. I can only imagine how many adventures one could have here-" he was cut off as he ran into (Y/n), stepping back quickly," s-sorry..."

He walked to her side, looking in front of them at the temple. It looked around the size of Skyview temple and, well, they both looked rather similar. The only main difference from what Link could see was the fact that this temple was more hidden.

"...Something's wrong..." (Y/n) whispered, not even seeming to notice Link running into her as she just stared at the temple, her (e/c) eyes wide with alarm.

"What do you mean?"

(Y/n) took a step forward before running to the temple causing Link to gasp and case after her," w-wait up!"

(Y/n) pushed the doors of the temple open quickly, running into the main room and looking around," Azura! Arika! Adara! Where are you guys?!"

Link stopped in the door way, taking deep breaths as he watched (Y/n) rush about, yelling her sister's names over and over again. He looked to the side, stopping as he saw a piece of paper on the door. He took it off, looking at it with a raised eyebrow. To him, it simply looked like a bunch of screbles that mean't nothing at all.

"Master, its written in the languages of gods," he jumped, spinning around to see Fi floating there, looking at the paper in his hands.

"No wonder I can't read it," he looked to the paper, putting a hand over his heart as he tried to catch his breath from being scared haft the death by the spirit.

"I can't find them! Their not here!" (Y/n) came running over to Link again, her eyes filled with worry as she stopped and looked to the paper in his hands," what's that?"

"It was on the door but its written in the langages of gods. Fi could transtalte it if-" Link explained, looking to Fi as (Y/n) looked over his shoulder.

"No need, I know what it says."

"You do?"

"Yep," (Y/n) rested her chin on his shoulder (causing a blush to surface on the hero's cheeks not that she noticed) and read the paper. The more she read, the more she frowned as she closed her eyes, going quiet as if she was deep in thought.

"What's it say?" Link asked, looking to her, the blush still not leaving his cheeks.

"Oh, can you not read it?" She asked, opening her eyes and looking to him as he shook his head.

"...No..." he answered, feeling ashamed of himself as he was the only one there who didn't know the language of the gods.

"It says: Dear Akina, if your reading this then it means your safe and we must thank Hylia for that. You were right, little sister, evil has been released on this world. When we went looking for you when we came across Ghirahim. We manged to go on without him seeing us but we couldn't seem to find you and we simply couldn't risk all three of us being seen out there. We all just had to pray you were safe somewhere far from Ghirahim and any more evil like him. We left this note for you, hoping you'd be able to read it if you ever came back here. We each went into hiding for this place isn't safe anymore...please understand it was not the slightest bit easy to choose to go into hiding without knowing your whereabouts but we trust you'll stay safe for your much smarter than we've given you credit for. Akina, please, you must find somewhere safe where no one can find you. Wait there, where ever it is, until we come for you. Until then, little sister, keep in mind that we love you and we're sorry we didn't listen~Azura," (y/n) read, frowning as she did.

Link didn't say anything at first as he couldn't think of anything to say. He just stayed quiet for a moment before finally opening his mouth to speak," who's...who's Akina? Ghirahim called you that too...its it your name?"

"...No...My name is and shall forever be (Y/n) and only (Y/n)..." She was quiet for a moment at first before answering, seeming to take the question quite seriously. 

"Well, by the sounds of the letter, your sisters are safe," Link spun around as (Y/n) stepped away from him," they seem to know what there doing so I'm sure Ghirahim can't hurt them where their at."

"Yes but what now? Where I am I go? I've never been on my own before, I've always had at least one of my sisters..." she explained, frowning.

"Then you can come with me," Link answered as (Y/n) looked up, her eyes wide.

"C-Come with you...?"

"Yeah. I can watch out for you and if Ghirahim comes, I'll protect you from him," Link smiled as (Y/n) nodded, seeming a bit happier.

"Thank you, Link."

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