|| Chapter 2 || The Strange Boy From The Sky

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(Y/n) lied in the branches of the tall trees of the forest, sighing boredly. It had been awhile since she went back to her sisters yet she still refused to go see them anytime soon. She knew that Adara wanted her to come crying saying she was sorry but as far as (Y/n) was concerned, she wasn't going back unless they came and said sorry to her.

The forest was a happy place for (Y/n), one where she felt at home most so if there was anywhere for her to spend her days away from her three siblings, it was there.

Closing her eyes, she tried to enjoy the peace and quiet but her mind just kept going back to the strange girl she had meet earlier. She was a girl who not only fell from the sky but claimed to live up there on somewhere she called...'Skyloft.' It was very strange to (Y/n), not only the Skyloft place or the girl but the boy she spoke of. The girl spoke of a boy who sounded much like the chosen hero (Y/n) once meet before but the girl said it wasn't the same person. Was there more boys out there like the hero or was that girl simply crazy? (Y/n) couldn't tell.

'She must just be crazy...living in the Sky and all...poor crazy girl,' (y/n) shook her head, thinking,' but then again, my goddess did send some people into the clouds. Maybe their all still up there.'


(Y/n) opened her eyes, sitting up as her heart speed up for a moment, thinking that the branch was breaking but it wasn't...the branch she sat on was fine. Looking down at the forest ground, (Y/n) tried to fine where the sound came from. It sounded all lot like footsteps.

'Maybe that Zelda girl has come back,' (Y/n) smiled to herself, looking around for the sky girl. Soon, she spotted a group of bushes moving along voices coming from the other side as her smile only grew,' oh she has come back! Now I can have someone to speak to, how wonderful!'

However, instead of Zelda, a boy walked through the bushes, making his way into the clearing and taking a look around. (y/n) raised an eyebrow, frowning,' that isn't a girl...well maybe but...'

(Y/n)'s thoughts trailed off as she got a better look at the boy, noticing his fluffy blond hair, sky blue eyes and green tunic. Her eyes then went wide as she nearly fell out of the tree,' it couldn't be, could it? Has he somehow come back?'

The boy sighed, taking in the amazing forest in front of him as a blue spirit appeared from the sword strapped to his back. The spirit floated there, looking to the boy," master, we have made it to Faron woods..."

"Its really nice here...I've never seen so many plants and green before," the boy commented, looking to the spirit before the green wooded area," Zelda must be here somewhere, she has to be."

As the boy talked, he failed to notice the girl jumping from tree branch to tree branch above his head, her eyes never looking away from him as she was much to curious to do so. She carefully keeled down, titling her head as she got a better look at him,' he looks shorter and younger...and where is his cape?'

"Master..." the spirit spoke however the boy kept talking about the forest, ignoring her as she only floated behind him, not showing any emotion as she only stared at (y/n).

(Y/n) hung down from the tree, using her knees to keep herself up as she reached down and grabbed the boys hat right off his head She then pulled herself back up to the tree as the boy jumped, the spirit only watching the female still.

"W-What the-?" The boy touched the top of his head, looking up at the tree and freezing.

(Y/n)'s legs dangled over the side of the branch as she looked at the hat in her hands before down at him and titling her head. The boy's blue eyes meet her (e/c) as he only stared at her, a light blush dusting his cheeks.

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