|| Chapter 8 || Eldin Volcano

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A/n: Before we start the chapter, I want to apologize for it being so long. One reason for me taking forever is because of the fact that we have this MESA arm project we're doing at school and I was in charge of writing this 5-15 page essay about it all which was due on the 14th (not to mention its worth a whole letter grade -_- ). Sure, I can write a story on Legend of Zelda or some anime but when it comes to an essay on a robotic arm...we have a problem... Its an arm with a gripper on the end of it that's put together with coding! That's all there is to it so why such a huge essay?! Another reason for me taking forever is the fact that I got the new Breath of the Wild game so I've been enjoying myself falling off the same cliff along with getting killed by the same guardian over and over again. On the bright side, I got a horse named Jean and Link's adorable so its worth it~ Anyways, I hope you guys like the chapter for today and so sorry again for the delay. I'll try to get these chapter's out on time and not let high school get in the way but I honsetly can't make any promises with how busy everything is (I need good grades so I can go to collage, get a good job, get lots of money, then blow it all on more Zelda games)~Maple


The loftwing landed, shaking its head as Link jumped off of it, offering a hand to (Y/n) as she jumped down as well. The place around them was dry and very warm to the point that it was impossible to feel cold. There wasn't any water insight either, all that was there was the boiling lava that ran in rivers all over. 

"This always was Adara's favorite place to be. She liked warm places like this one," (Y/n) commented more to herself as she looked around the area. Her mind when back to all the times Adara talked about the volcano, only taking her there once to see it. She claimed that (Y/n) would fall into lava too easily so didn't even let her explore when they did go. 

"I think I like the forest better. It's not as hot there," Link fanned himself, looking at the large mountain closely," strange to think Zelda would chose a place to go to like this."

"Maybe she wanted a change of setting," (Y/n) shrugged, walking down the path leading to the volcano," Adara has told me before that there's a temple up there. Maybe Zelda wanted to have a visit there or somewhere around it."

Link nodded, letting (Y/n) lead the way down the path. He could see a few monsters around though they were too far to spot either of them. He made sure to watch out for anything that would be of harm to them since it seemed like the kind of place monsters would somehow live in. 

From memories and stories, (Y/n) was able to think up some kind of way to the temple. From what she remember, the path they were on now went in a swerving line and stopped at a bridge in which would lead them to another path to the temple. All they had to do was go through a cave, across the bridge, and they would be fine!

"Stop!" Link grabbed her shoulder right as she was about to walk around a coner and pulling her back by him. 

"What is it?" (Y/n) pouted as Link looked around the coner, drawing his sword. She followed where he was looking to see a group of bokoblins standing all around the area they needed to get past," We can go a different way if you want-"

"No. I can fight them off. You just stay right here where your safe," Link didn't look at her at all as he just stared at the bokoblins and tried to find a good plan to fight them.

"But I want to be helpfu-" He didn't listen as he raced out into the room, yelling as he raised his sword and swung at the nearest bokoblin. 

They turned, running after him as the one he hit fell to the ground dead. (Y/n), meanwhile, stood on the side lines, pouting as she watched the hero fight," I can fight and take care of myself...I don't need someone watching over me because I'm strong enough..."

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