normal night in beach city!

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it was a normal night for me and the gems. they where all in there rooms at the moment so i'm going to check on my dad a see how he's doing! i walked down the stairs from my home and headed to my dad's car wash. "good thing there are street lights around or i wou-" i crashed into someone....." hey ste-man!" it was amethyst! " hey amethyst! i thought you where in your room..?" i questioned her. "nah! i was just gonna playing a prank on the guy at the doughnut want in?" she asked me with a devil grin."sorry i would love to but i'm gonna say hi to my dad. maybe later?" i said with a cheery smile."mkay! just make sure you don't stay out to late our you'll get in trouble!" she said as she opened her wings a took off into the skies. " BYE AMETHYST!!" i yelled a waved until she was out of sight.

~time skip~

i made it to my dad's van BUT instead of knocking i wanted to mess with him. i climbed onto the van and made a loud hissing dad came out with a bat."who's out there?!i got a bat and i'm not afraid to use it!" he shouted while holding up a wooden bat. " dad! it's me steven!" i said as i jumped down from the van. he blinked once then twice" steven?" he question." yep, hi dad!" i said with a smile." sorry kiddo, work has been slow today" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck with a smile. " it's fiiiine!"i said while running over to hug him. "gotta hand it to ya there bud. you scared the socks off of me!" he said with a nervous chuckle. i laughed "i learned from the best" i said while winking. "well if ya came to see what your old man was doing nothing interesting is here kiddo,you better head back it's almost 6" i gasped " uh-oh! i'm gonna get in trouble! see you later dad!" i shouted while running. " see ya stu-boll!" he shouted back at me.

~time skip~

it took me at least 10 minutes to get back home. i saw garnet waiting for me. " hey garnet!" i ran a hugged and her leg."hello steven" she greeted me with her same tone in her voice."sorry i was out for so long i wanted to check up on dad" i told her as pearl walked out. " steven! there you are! what did i tell you about being out for so long?" she said with her arms crossed. " i'm so sorry pearl i wanted to see dad..." i said while looking down at my boots. pearl sighed"fine. i'll let is slide this time but remember not to stay out so long okay mister?" she said with a strong but not harsh tone. " yes ma'am!" i said with a big smile. " i think its time for you to go to bad steven" garnet said as a yawned. "aww but i'm not sleepy" i said while my eyes became drowsy. she chuckled while picking me up" surrre your not.." she set me down on my bed and tucked me in. "good night garnet or should i say good morning" i said as a winked.she chucked "good morning to you to steven" she said with a small smile and started walking down the steps. i pause " good morning ruby good morning sapphire!"i said .she turned around, " go to sleep before we hug you to death" she said with a bigger smile. " you said we~~~!" i said in a singing tone."so it seems i have" she said while fixing her shades and then walking to the temple door.i closed my eyes and let my dreams take me away.

~ time skip to 12 in the afternoon~

i woke up to a loud bang i jumped up from my bed and went down stairs to go see what it was. when i got to see what is was my face paled. right in the middle of the house was a corrupted gem! i wanted to go back up the stairs but i was frozen. the gem monster saw me a jumped at me. i closed my eyes and formed my bubble just in time. the monster hit my bubble over and over again.just them i heard the screen door open "hey ste-" amethyst stopped in her tracks. " amethyst help!" i yelled as she pulled out her whip. " i got this!" she said as she wrapped the whip around its back legs she pulled out another whip and and tied its front legs before flying around it wrapping its hole body before she started to pull on the whip making the monster poof. she bubbled the gem and send it to the temple. i let down my bubble before running over to her with stars in my eyes. " amethyst that was so COOL!"i said while jumping up and down."yeah i know" she said with a smug grin. just then pearl came out from inside of her room. " steven?! what are you doing up so late!?" she said with wide eyes."amethyst just saved me from a gem!" i said with stars still in my eyes. " A GEM MONSTER!?!? are you alright!?!" she said running over to me checking if i have any bruises or cuts. " i'm fine!" i said while pulling my arm out of her grasp. " amethyst had everything under control! right amethyst?" i asked as she went to the frig to get a watermelon. " yep, i have everything under control" she said while eating the watermelon hole. " well i'm very proud of you for not breaking anything amethyst" pearl said with a smile. " uh...thanks??" she said with a raised eye brow. "wait until i tale dad!" i said in a cheer full tone. " good on ya dude i'm gonna take a nap" amethyst said heading to the temple door." well then steven you should probably go back to bed" i looked at the clock and say that is was 12:30 i yawned. " i guess your right pearl, see you in a few hours" i said while walking up the stairs. i looked down at my self and noticed i for got to change. "pearl? can you look away while i change?" i asked while getting my pjs." oh yes steven" she said while turning around.i quickly changed into my clothes. " okay pearl you can look now" i said while getting into my bed. " sweet dreams to you steven" pearl said as she walked back to the temple door.i closed my eyes and once again let my dreams take me away.

~time skip to 9 at night~

i woke up. and i saw all the gems talking to each other " hey guys opps i mean gals" i said while rubbing my eyes. they chucked " hello to you to steven" they greeted me."so what you three talking about?" i questioned while going to sit on a stool. " we where just talking around our next mission" at that moment i was fully awake. " get i go with you guys?! pleeeeeease!" i begged as they looked at each other. " alright steven but make sure not to touch ANYthing, okay?" pearl said with her arms crossed. " Yes ma'am" i said  as i ran to the bathroom to get ready. once i was ready we all stepped onto the warp pad. "ready steven" garnet asked while looking down at me. " ready as i'll ever be!" i said while giving her a wolfish grin. she chucked before rubbing my head. "has ruby has been rubbing off on you?" she said with a small smile."i don't know maybe she has? " i said while acting like i was thinking about it. "well then we should head off now ruby 2.0" amethyst said in a joking tone. " don't take orders from nobody!" i said mimicking ruby's tone while garnet and pearl smile and amethyst howled with laughter.pearl activated the warp pad and we where warped to the kinder garden. " the kinder garden why are we here?" i ask garnet as she looked straight ahead. " we are here to make sure there are no more of the gems experiments here" she droned but i could tell she didn't want to be here. " are you okay?" i asked in a worried tone looking at her with sympathetic face. " i'll be fine steven" she said as she rubbing my head." okay gems" garnet said getting everybodys attention. " we have to split up, pearl you go to the right, amethyst to the left, steven go straight, and i'll go and check out the place where me and steven where the last time we came here, is everything clear?" we all nodded as we went to where she told us to go.i looked around while holding my left arm i realllly didn't like it here more then the first time we came here. i was so worried for garnet, ruby, and sapphire.

~time skip~

i walked for about 30 minutes before heading back. i get this feeling there's something wrong. i start heading the way garnet went because she was the one i was worried for right now.when i got to the hole i heard a 'poof'. i ran down to see who it was when i got down my face turned white as a sheet

to very important items lad on the ground....

( cliff hanger XD)

sorry for the grammer in my story its not my strong point but this is my first story so...yea it's gonna be like like.. ANYWAYS thanks for reading and hope to see your comment's 


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