baby steven memories

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~ruby pov~

Me and sapphire unfused for the day as we separated to think alone. I remembered when steven almost got attacked by a corrupted gem. We don't even know him and we don't want to.. he will remind of a rose so we stayed away. He's 11 months old now and it was night time. I walked down to Greg's van to see the lights still on. I knocked twice and backed up not wanting to get hit with the back door . It opened revealing Greg his eyes widen at my appearance. " Ruby!? What are you doing here?" He questioned. I sighed it's now or never I took a deep breath " I want to see steven.. is he awake?" I asked in a quiet voice not meeting his gaze. He opened the door wider " you can come in if you want and yes he is" he answered as he moved  out of the way letting me in. I was nervous that's for sure as I stepped in. " Look right there behind the pillows he always liked to hide when he meets someone new" he said as he got down on his knees and put pressure on one of the pillows it moved as it giggled. " Hey buddy, come and meet ruby didn't you say you wanted to see her?" He questioned" he wants to meet me?" I asked as he nodded. A head pop out of the pillows as his eyes landed on me. Roses eyes definitely not Greg's. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt a warm hands on my leg. I looked down to see the 11 month old. " Go on don't be shy you won't hurt him" Greg encouraged catching on to my uneasiness. I sighed and got down on one knee " has he even started walking yet?" I asked looking up at him " not yet, but I have a feeling he will soon " he answered running a hand threw his hair. I notice steven propping himself on my leg, holding on to my fingers to keep himself upright. " See? He's already practicing" Greg remarked smiling. I chuckled as he looked at my gem in wonder. He wrapped his arms around my waist not wanting to fall, I gently grabbed his small waist and steaded him on his legs. " I think he wants you to hold him" Greg spoke up. Well if that's what he wants. I thought before lifting him up as he giggled. I propped him with my arm while I kept my hand supporting his back. I sat down to make him more comfortable. " Hey ruby, can you watch him for a little bit? There's someone in the front of the wash so.." he trailed off and I spoke up " I don't mind plus he seems comfortable on my chest" I said grinning as steven nuzzled against me. I saw Greg smile " thanks for doing this" he said walking out to speak to whoever but I didn't care, my focus was on steven. " I'm glad you where so young when it happened I don't want you to remember that.." I spoke out loud with my eyes closed. I snapped them open when I felt someone touch my cheek and looked down at steven who looked back at me. " act like her to.." I remarked grabbing his tiny hand with my larger hand. I held him close as he became drowsy. He yawned before nuzzling against my chest and fell asleep. I chuckled before laying against the wall of the van. " He's adorable,rose.."

~3 weeks later~

I was going to visit steven again cause he's the only one that calms me now. " Hey Greg" I greeted as I waved " hey ruby, Steven's waiting for you in the van, when I told him you where visiting again he was jumping up and down" he remarked chuckling at the memory. I snickered" he's just a puff ball of adorableness" I grinned as Greg nodded his head in agreement. I walked to the back of the van and opened it and was immediately greeted by steven latching onto me wrapping his arms around my neck. " Ru! Bak!" He chanted as I laughed hugging him back. " Miss me much?" I questioned as he giggled" lots!" He answered as his tail swayed and mine match his movements as I couldn't stop smiling. " Hey Greg! I'm taking steven out for a walk is that alright?" I asked turning to him " yeah sure, after all I think steven would love to look around beach city" he said walking towards us and patted Steven's head" you be good now, okay bud?" He said and steven nodded his head fast then squealed when I picked him up and sat him down on my shoulders, holding on to his small feet as he patted his small hands on my ears " let's go for a day of adventure" I said with a wink and steven threw his hands up into the air " adventre!" He chanted making Greg laugh. I walk off as we both waved to Greg.

~ few hours later~
Steven ' oohs ' and ' ahh' at every new thing he saw we stars in his eyes "ruby!" I turned my head to took and my three team mates and glared at them " what do you want?" I questioned they shifted there gaze to steven " is t-that steven?" Pearl hesitantly asked " yes it what?" I snapped. I picked steven off my shoulders and held him close to me protectively as I glared daggers at them " you should like probably hand him back to Greg..where is Greg?" Amethyst questioned looking around. " He left me with steven for today" I said not breaking my glare. " Just give him to me" pearl demanded walking over to me, I heard steven whimper. I summoned my gauntlet and growled  at her " hey hey hey! There's no need for that" amethyst raise her voice in surprise holding her hands up. I backed away " steven doesn't feel comfortable around strangers" I growled" leave him alone" I said raising my gauntlet as if getting ready to strike. Sapphire quickly got between us not wanting a fight to break out. " Stop it all of you" she said looking at all of us. She turned to me " is this where you been doing for the past weeks?" She questioned I didn't feel like answering so I just nodded dismissed my weapon and patted Steven's curly hair. She sighed before looking at steven who was looking back at her. I cleared my throat before speaking" I'm gonna take steven home now, I think he had enough play time until someone barged in and ruined it" I grumbled watch them look away and I walked off and brushed shoulders with sapphire and bumped into pearl and amethyst making them move out of the way. I felt steven nuzzle against me as if trying to calm me down. I sighed and kissed his forehead making him giggle.

~10 minutes later~
Once we made it there I noticed that steven was fast asleep. I chuckled and opened the van door and stepped inside. I grabbed a small pink blanket and gently wrapped It around him not tightly and let him lean on my torso feeling his beating heart against my human structure. I took in a big breath watching steven raise with my chest and fall as I exhaled air that I didn't need. Steven's small snores lulled me into a dose. I closed my eyes  feeling a warm pink ora from his gem. It was so calming. " Thank you rose...he's an angel..." I whispered and fell into a deep sleep.

Author note

BABY STEVEN IS SO CUTE!!! Anyways hope you enjoyed my story and I hope to see you again! Bye-bye!


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