almost killed

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"RUBY, SAPPHIRE!?!" is shouted without even thinking making the gem monster turn to me. i froze but then i saw ruby and sapphire's gem's on the floor. "I won't let you hurt them anymore!!!" i screamed running a ducking out of the gem monster's many hands and grabbed both of there gem's before summoning my shield blocking the monster's attacks " i'm so sorry, i should have never left your side" i whispered to the gem's holding them close.  I got knocked back into the wall feeling as if i had been crushed but i still kept there gem's close to my chest. I ran away as fast as i could but not fast enough as i was knocked off my feet and landed to where i could see the outside of the kinder garden i climbed up with great speed when i was at the top i dashed as fast as i could to the warp pad.i had many cut's a bruises on my arms and torso. " STEVEN!!!" i heard to people calling my name. i looked over to see who it was. " PEARL! AMETHYST!" i shouted as they summoned there weapons. then i felt a sharp stinging on my back and as the world went dark i heard pearl shout my name.

~time skip~

" steven please wake up!!" i woke up from somebody shaking me. i saw it was amethyst. i groan in pain before trying to stand up. " hey! take it easy bud.. you safe now.." i opened my eyes fully to see that i was in my bed. just then i remember sapphire and ruby. " are sapphire and ruby okay!?!?" i shot up from my bed ignoring the stinging pain from my legs. " Whoa steven! chill, there fine" amethyst said while pointing and a pillow with that held sapphire and ruby's gems. i sighed and sat back down. " where going back to make sure there are no more of there gem's while you stay here a rest, okay?" pearl asked while walking to the warp pad as amethyst followed with 6 sandwitch's in her hands. " see ya dude" amethyst said before they warped away leaving me by myself. i walk over to the pillow picking it up then going back to sit on my bed and just stared at them. i feel like a failed them. i failed garnet,ruby,and sapphire. its my fault they got hurt."i'm sorry" i said with tears in my eyes holding the pillow close." i should have never left you alone, i'm sorry" i repeated it to my self over and over again each time closer to breaking down.i felt my chest heat up i i let go of the pillow. it was sapphires gem as it hovered and sapphire began to form. sapphire gentle hovered back down before looking at me. " hello steven" she greeted me i smiled putting the pillow down and giving her a big hug. " i'm sorry" i said." for what steven?" she asked me with a puzzled look before turning into a worried look. i looked down at my bandages." what happened steven? are you alright" she asked me putting her hand on my shoulder. " it was worth it keeping you and ruby safe" i mumbled.i looked at her to see she had a tear in her eye. " ah! wait please don't cry! i did this to keep you safe!" i said worried then ruby's gem glowed. ruby formed doing back flips before landing. " phew, that's -" was all she could get out before me running to hug her tightly. " hey little man!" she said with a wolfish grin." i love you guys" i said as ruby ruffled my hair. ruby looked at sapphire before having a worried look. " sapphire? are you okay?" ruby ask before her eyes landed on my arms." what happened to you!?!" she asked while gently grabbing my arm. " i'll be the one to answer that ruby" sapphire said.after sapphire explained to ruby what happened we where all sitting on the floor with ruby giving me her famous fluffy hugs." don't you dare die on us" she mumbled whimpering pulled me closer." i would face maybe dangers to keep the one's i love safe" I said but that only made sapphire shuffled close and ruby whimper more keeping me as close as she can.

weird place to leave it off BUT i'm tired after just getting back from school to the people who read my stories.THANK YOU FOR NOTICING ME ^_^

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