Our little lion Cub

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~ Steven pov~

I was thinking about all that happened in the pasted and how we all made it so far together when something crossed my mind " hmm.. maybe I should try shape shifting again.." I wonder out loud. I stood up and cleared my mind as I pictured what I wanted to be in my mind..lion cub....when I opened my eyes again and I was left stunned. I looked like my pet lion but smaller. My curly hair went around my head and neck as to be my main. My fur around my body was as light pink as lions main. My clothes slipped off do to my change of form but I didn't care " I DID IT!!" I shouted and tried standing up failing. " This is a lot harder then it looks" I grumbled trying to gain my balance. I heard as soft huff as looked behind me" lion!" I said cheerfully. He looked HUGE compared to me! " How do you do this?" I questioned him " do what?" I heard an answer as I looked at him. " YOU CAN TALK!?!?!" I couldn't believe it! My feline companion was talking!?" You only understand stand me went in a form of some kind of cat,Steven" lion explained. I tried to walk over to him but I still didn't get it as I fell back on my bottom earning a slight chuckle from him " when you walk around you have to move you right front and back leg and repeat with the left legs, let this" he said as he walked around slowly making sure I understood. I Shakey got up and mimicked what he did starting shaky but it became more easier as I practiced. I walked around proudly with my head held high and eyes closed " alright show off time to teach you how to run" lion spoke up as I stood and looked at him. He started slow and advanced his speed before stopping entirely" do you...do you get it?" He questioned slightly out of breath. I nodded and mirrored what he did. " Let yourself go! You should be off the ground by now" I did as I was told and truth behold it was much easier" did you see me? I was flying!" I said very excited as my tail wagged. He chuckled thinking heh..lion cub..I like the sound of that.." I should teach you some more stuff your fangs could be useful" he pointed out. I licked my teeth to feel if they where real. He was right!" Alright let's go!!" I said running over to him as he roared a portal and picked me up by the back of my neck. Surprisingly it didn't hurt.

~hours later~

~third person~

The warp pad lit up as the gems walk off looking around the room for any signs of the gem hybrid.upon laying her gaze on his bed " why is lion sleeping in Stevens bed" pearl questioned as they walked up the stairs to get a better look " lion, where is Steven" Garnet questioned. Lion let out a huff before moving his paw where a small ball lad. Upon loosing contact with his warm paw. It stretched it's body out words enough to give them a good look at the gem on the center of its stomach before rolling over nuzzling it's face closer to lions main" that's steven!?!' pearl quietly hissed out as lion glared at her as if say ' if you wake up my cub so help me...' I smiled pulled on to the leaders lips as she heard an inner voice spoke up ' well I guess tiny paws are another weakness of mine' as another voice chuckled at the comment" it's perfect" she said out loud as pearl gwuaked at her in disbelief " you can't be serious! He needs to change back this instant!" Lion bared his fangs and hissed as if saying ' shut up' glaring daggers at her " we'll deal with this when we get back from our next mission" she said sternly but quietly not trying to describe the adorable puff ball. Pearl sighed while amethyst mearly shrugged. Garnet took one last look at there cutie pie inwardly fangirling " I'll make sure we have time to bond again steven" she whispered before walking back to where her comrades await. They all looked at the bed as the warp pad lit up and soon they vanished into there next destination.

~ Steven pov~
I woke up do to the sound of to voices. Yawning before getting up stretching my front legs shifting my rear upward before pulling my self forward stretch my back legs. I listened to the two voice talking softy down stairs. Being the curious cub I was I peeked my head at the edge of the floor for my eyes to land on two figures. The two gems who created the person who I admire " I don't know sapph, we have to do something...if he gets hurt again I swear-" I heard her loud and clear before she was cut off " ruby, I know your worried I feel the same but what he is doing is his choice and his alone" sapphire responded before silence took over the house. Slowly and quietly, I made my way down the stairs. Do to the change of weight the floor boards didn't make a peep. Once at the bottom, I crouched down as if a predator stalking on its pray and climbed onto the couch making sure It didn't shift to much to alert them. Crawling towards ruby once I got close enough I pressed my furry cheek against her for arm as she jumped in surprised her gazed soften when her eyes landed upon me. " Hey there little guy" she whispered as if not to startle me. I slipped under her arm and into her lap. She hesitated at first before placing her soft hand on my back stroking me softly. A low rumbling sound made it self known as she and her partner smiled.

~ruby pov~

Heh, he's purring.. I inwardly chuckled as he continued to purr. He placed his tiny paws on my free hand " tiny paws...my only weakness" I said as I gently held them watching steven smile brighter as his purring became louder when I scratched his left shoulder blade " that felt gooood...do it again! Please!" He begged " you know I can't say no to that face" I smiled as I scratched the same spot as his tail wagged and his back foot thumped against my leg "ooooo...yea.. that's the spot..." he said as he looked like his head was in the clouds. I looked over at sapphire to see shes holding in her giggles watching him acting like he was in heaven " now I know why you like being petted so much" steven remarks his head still in cloud 9. " Welcome to the club, buddy" I smiled inwardly yelling that he's the most cutes thing I have ever seen. I had stopped scratching him, much to his disappointment. But that quickly went away when I tickled his heart shaped nose earning his heart warming laugh.

~sapphire pov

He's so CUTE!!.. I inwardly fangirled watching my two favorite people in my life bond with each other. I reached over and stroked as his main earning a soft purr " your such a cutie pie" I remarked as I watched a blush form on his fuzzy cheeks as he giggled" I don't know about that one..I think I see the most passionate and powerful people right hear" he said out loud, acting as he was saying it to his self. Earning a blush from me and ruby" I think there cool, funny, pretty, and per-" I quickly cut him off before he could make our blushes darker by scratching his weak spot. An immediate reaction as he purred loudly his back foot moving rapidly" curse me and my weak spots!" He slightly raised his voice " but this feels soooooo gooood..." stop being so cute!.I can't take it anymore. I inwardly yelled looking over at ruby seeing she was thinking the same thing by her facial expression. I stopped my scratching only for him to turn around and curl up against Ruby's stomach purring " your so warm..." he said his voice barely over a whisper as I watch ruby become embarrassed but made no effort in removing him and just relaxed into the couch. I moved closer to ruby resting my head on her shoulder and resting my hand that held my gem on top of his adorably small paws. Our little lion cub.. I thought before Steven's purring lulled me into a doze. I stayed resting my head against ruby and letting steven cuddle my hand resting into a peaceful sleep  long over due for us.

Author note

Tell me what you think! I wanted to but another bonding episode between these cutie pie and it was a bonus to see how steven acts in his new form...need I say it's ADORABLE!! I'm pretty sure ruby and sapphire thought the same think just watching him curl up against ruby and listening to his purrs as if they where a lullaby...anyways! Thanks you for reading! And I hope to see ya again!


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