Are you not listening

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Lily's pov
I struggle to walk through the heaps of thick snow as I make my way back to the castle.
Iv been sat by the black lake for a long time thinking, so long it's all most dark now.
I'm preying I don't get seen by any of the professors but since I'm head from there are certain advantages and I get let of on a lot of things plus they know I'd hardly be doing anything bad anyway.

Iv been spending a lot of time here recently, you'd think with a whole dorm to myself I'd have somewhere to be alone.
Problem it's I'm not alone I live with a certain boy who seems to be making my life a living hell.

He spends the last 5 years confessing his 'love' for me and when Iv finally admitted to myself that maybe I might feel the same way he pretty much cuts me off completely. We've been getting on really well the last couple weeks and I could feel myself falling more and more for him and then suddenly nothing.

It started last Saturday in the great hall, I was sat with Mary and Alice when Zack Young came up to me and asked me to be his date for the Christmas ball. I didn't even get to answer before James got up and left he hasn't spoke to me since. I don't see his issue I waked in on him shouting about it to Sirius telling him how he's completely given up on me now and I can do what I want. I didn't even say yes.

Now just seeing him makes me want to cry, I never thought anyone could have this effect on me. He did try to come talk to me once but I was so angry I told him not to bother and to do the same as he suggested I did. And he did just that, he went and asked Hannah Talbot of all people to be his. She's a snobby Ravenclaw girl in our year who's always hated me.

I try to ignore my thoughts of James and my ever growing feelings I have as I stumble up the small hill.
"Lily" I hear his familiar smooth voice. I turn to meet the gaze of the incredible hazel eyes Iv fallen so in love with and I can hardly speak.
"Uh...yes" I say trying to mask my devotion and replace it with all the anger and strength I can muster. "Nothing" he says looking to the ground and walking straight past me. I stare at him as he walks away speechless, this is ridiculous I can't do it anymore.
"JAMES POTTER" I scream causing him to whip his head around suddenly to face me.
He doesn't say anything instead he stares intensely and I suddenly find it hard to remember why I'm so mad at him.
"Would you like to tell why you've been ignoring me" my voice sounded shaky and unsure not at all what I was going for.
"You know why" he says turning away again.
Now I'm angry. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM" I shout gaining his attention again.
"Excuse me" he asks.
"You, I can't do it anymore James do you have any idea how bloody confused I am right now. You spend practically every day we've known each other asking me to be your girlfriend and when we actually start to get on you just cut me off all together. Was it all a joke to you? Did you care really care about me?"
"CARE ABOUT YOU? Lily how can you even ask me that of cause I care about you" he takes a few long strides so he's standing right in front of me now. "you have a funny way of showing it"
"Well maybe when someone who's supposed to me my friend asked you to something everyone knew I was going to ask you to and you didn't say no I realised I'm in this alone"
I can feel his breath on my face and the intenseness in his voice so much so that I have to take a step or two back just to be able to concentrate.
"And did you even stay long enough to hear me answer, no you didn't bother to ask me about it did you, you just went of and told your friend that you've given up one me" his eyes widen and he too steps back slightly. "You head that" he says in no more than a whisper.
"Yeah I heard that, its typical isn't it. This is why I never said yes James because I knew you'd hurt me, I knew that just when I think I might actually be able to tell you know I feel about you that you'd leave you'd give up and wouldn't want me anymore" he still looks confused by my words and even more now that Iv mentioned I might have feelings for him.
"Is that what you think that you were just a game or something, Lily I would never hurt you I'm in love with you for Crists sakes" I'm taken back by what he says, he's in love with me?
"And I can't take you saying no anymore so yeah I told Sirius that I was done, done being completely I love with someone who doesn't even care about me"
He turns away again and starts to walk off.
"ARE YOU NOT LISTENING. James I do love you, I love you more than I can even explain so much it scares me" he stops and hesitates before turning back to look at me.
My breathing is unsteady and my heart is beating faster than I even thought was possible.
"You love me?" He asks.
"Yes" I reply so quiet even I could barely hear it.
His frown melts into a wide smile and he runs towards me as fast as he can and sweeps me up of my feet crashing his lips into mine.
The action surprises me but I soon relax into the kiss, I wrap my arms around his neck and full myself as close as I could possibly get to him.
He pulls away to soon and I look into his eyes. I can feel tears threatening to fall from my own as see how happy he looks but I'm still not sure.
"I have to know James, I have to know you won't hurt me because if this is, just a game to you then I don't think I'll be able to carry on when you leave me" my vision is now blurry with tears and James's smile drops.
"Lily" the way he whispers my name sends shivers down my spine. "I'm never ever going to leave you, I'm in love with you Lily Evans always have been, always will be. There's no one I'd rather be with than you,
I'll die before I let anything happen to you and I want to spend the rest on my life at your side.
I love you Lily"
I can't hold back my tears now as they stream down my face, I never thought this would be happening.
"I love you to James"

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