Part 04

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I dialed his number, but it went straight to voicemail. Ella and I have been at the park for thirty minutes now and there has been no sign of him. I knew this was too good to be true, he has come over to the apartment to see her, but he insisted on coming to the park with us today. I guess I should have followed my head instead of my heart. 

I watched Ella run towards me. "Nawniee, where Ryn?" 

"I don't know baby, but we need to head home, it looks like it is going to rain." 

"Awee Nawniee..." she pouted

"We will come back another day when it is sunny baby."

I quickly gathered Ella and her toys back into the car. I knew that something like this would happen if I let him try to get to know her. I should have listened to my head, but I have been alone for so long.

The phone rang and pulled me away from my thoughts. I picked it up out of the cup holder. 


"Hey how did your play date go with Ryan?" Josh asked

"He didn't show up.." I pulled into the parking lot. 

"Are you serious? Why not? Did he call you and at least let you know?"

"No, I just sat there waiting for him for like thirty minutes and I even true to call him at the number he gave me. I should have listened when you told me to be careful. I don't need to let her get her hope up only to get them crushed by her father." 

I picked up my sleeping baby and headed toward the elevator. 

"You did nothing wrong Ireland, you just want Ella to have her father around. There is nothing wrong with that." He cooed. 

"Well I'm gonna go put her down for her nap. Come over after work?" I asked, mentally exhausted. 

"Yeah, I get off about eight. I'll come over and shower at your place then we can go out for dinner?" 

"I don't know about going out for dinner but everything else yes. You have some clothes over here I just washed them." I unlocked my door and set her toys down then locked the door back. 

"Okay, but you should know that I'm taking you to Chinese and I won't take no for an answer." I could him him smiling as I laid Ella in her crib. 

"Okay fine, you twisted my arm." I laughed, closing her door and started picking up the house. 

"Okay I'll see you then." 

"okay bye." the line went dead. 

I looked around the house and decided that instead of just picking up I need to actually clean. I have been alittle too busy the pasted few days.


I have been on the phone with Anna all morning. She won't stop whining about when I'm going to come home. 

"Please, you have been there for about a week. You need to come back home." I just closed my eyes and stayed silent. I have heard those word one too many times today.

"I already told you that I don't know when I will be back. I have something's that I need to take care of here first." I heard her sigh. 

"You better not be sleeping with that girl from the grocery store." My other line beeped but I didn't even bother to see who it is. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you Anna?!"

"Have you?"

"No. You should know me better than that. "

"Well maybe I don't." 

"What are you trying to say Anna?"

The line beeped again but all I could see is red, I can't believe what she is saying. 

"I don't know Ryan, but I want you home next week. And if your not here then I know that you have made your choice. 

She hung up without another word and I was shocked to say the least. I thought she loved me. I grabbed my coat and ran out the door. I needed to be anywhere but here right now. 

I walked around for what seemed like forever before I looked at my watch. It was 6:30pm, then it hit me. I was supposed to meet Ireland at the park today. Shit she is gonna be really pissed off at me. 

I walked as quickly as I could back to my house and jumped in my car. I took the familiar route to our old apartment. 


I looked around for Ireland but she was nowhere to be found, I was supposed to meet her here right after work but somehow it slipped my mind. I called her phone again, and of course she didn't answer. What if something has happened to her?

I quickly drove to our apartment, never really paying attention to the world around me. I saw her car in the parking spot, I hope she is here. 

I ran up four flights of stairs. I used my key to open the door, my heart was beating so fast when I seen her setting on the couch. She had tear running down her face. She was pissed. I knew she knew what I had done.

“I’m so sorry Ireland..” I stumbled over my words.

“Save it. I don’t even want to hear it anymore. I know what you were doing. I know who you were with. You like her don’t’ you? She is what you want.”

“Don’t’ be ridiculous, you know that I only want you.”

“Get out Ryan.”


“Get out right now.”


“I don’t want to see you right now. I am so pissed off. You can sleep on the couch tonight.” She was crying harder now.

“But babe, come on.”

She didn’t care. “You heard what I said, now!!” She pointed to the door and I followed what she said to do. I didn’t want to hurt her even more.

-end of flashback-

I got out and ran quickly up the steps. I seen her car in the parking spot, so I hope she is here. I can’t believe that I forgot. I was just so occupied with talking to Anna.

I knocked on the door. I could hear nothing inside of the apartment. The television didn’t sound like it was on  and I couldn’t hear Ella talking. My heartbeat sped up.

The door opened without me even really realizing it. There she stood. She was beautiful, but I have known her long enough to know that look. She is pissed off at me. I deserve every minute of it. Not only have I let her down but I have let down my daughter. She doesn’t even know me yet and I am making mistakes with her. I just hope they will give me another chance.

I know that it has been forever but I have been super busy. I will update soon, I promise. Thank you for being so patient. Comment and vote!

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