Chapter 6

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    "Okay, we are here. Now what the heck are you supposed to tell me!?" I said as I parked the car outside of Sam's house.

    "How about you come inside? I think it would be a more peaceful setting." Paul suggested.

    I stormed inside without saying anything. Slamming the door open, I saw a woman who stood facing the stove with her back to me. She immediately jumped up and turned around to face me–frying pan in hand.

    "Hi." She said breathless. Some of my anger subsided.

    "Hello." I said automatically. She then looked at me expectantly and raised her eyebrows in question. "Sorry, I just followed a bunch of teenaged boys into a random house just because they asked me to." I paused, thinking over what I had just said. "Sorry, I guess that doesn't make sense, does it? I guess neither does my life either. Not anymore." I sighed. At this point I think I was beyond caring what she thought about me.

    "Don't worry," she smiled at me "I got your back." Her tone implied she understood who I meant when I was talking about the teenaged boys.

    "Thanks." Paul still hadn't come in. For a second I was worried that I had the wrong house.

    "Sure, us girls need to stick together." She winked at me. I noticed then that she had three long scars that went from her temple to her fingertips.

    "So. . . what's your name?" I asked awkwardly.

    "I'm Emily. And you?"

    "Oh, I'm–"

    "Hi Emily! Have you met my imprint, Bella?" Paul said, bursting into the room and resting his arm around my shoulders.

    "I'm not your anything!" I said, throwing his arm off my shoulders. He looked hurt for a second then neutralized his expression.

    After a long pause of me and Paul staring each other down, Emily decided to speak up. "Bella Swan? The chief's daughter?"

    Still mad at Paul for interrupting my introduction, I replied, "Yeah."

    Emily gave me a long stare, almost as if she were assessing me. I started to get uncomfortable. She finally broke her gaze and said, "Imprint? Are you sure?" She said looking at Paul.

    I rolled my eyes. "I'd still like to know what the heck that means?!"

    Emily's eyes flickered to me. "You didn't tell her!?!" She exclaimed, glaring at Paul.

    Paul looked sheepish. "I was hoping you could give her some food first. . ." He trailed off.

    "I'm not hungry" I said, glaring at Paul.

    The side of his mouth tugged up into a half - smile. It almost looked. . . sweet.

    "I think I'll leave you guys alone." Emily said before dashing out of the room.

    "Well?" I questioned, raising my brow and tapping my foot.

    "Okay, fine. Here then." Paul started. "Well. . ." He trailed off for the longest time possible. He was stalling and we both knew it, but I still had to admire his dedication.

    "Spit it out already!!!" I shouted, throwing my arms in the air.

    "We're werewolves." Paul said as if on command.

    "Sure, and I'm best friends with a vampire." I sarcastically remarked, although it stung a bit on the way out.

    Paul flinched.

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