Olivia's pov

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I could feel him watching me. I felt his stare,I knew he was watching me the moment I stepped on the bus. His eyes could always find me no matter where,or what I was doing. He is like this stalker in a way. One who always watches his victim closely,but doesn't attack.
I watched him out of the corner of my eye. He was looking at me as I talked to Phillip,one of the campaign people. About the recent poll line ups,and some other things.
After a few minutes Phillip left and I looked up at him. His eyes locking on mine,and I gave him a small smile. I was going to move towards him when I was stopped by Cyrus.
"Hey Liv can I borrow you for a moment?" I turned around and looked at Cyrus." Yes,sure of course Cy." I said looking at him before looking at Fitz before I walked away from him. And moved more towards the front part of the bus. We sat down and Cyrus started to talk about some nonsense.
I would've been more focused but I was too worried about the man a few rows behind me. I could feel him staring at the back of the bus chair,without having to turn around to look. Cryus continued speaking and I talked every once and while replying with "yes sound good Cy." Every once and a while,I sighed. With Cyrus talking my ear off and with Fitz staring at me,I knew this was going to be a long bus ride.

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